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    • 11187
    • 6 Posts
    Not sure this topic belongs here, and i know this question is already answered somewhere but i cant seem to find out where...
    So, i need to import jquery lib, wich i have done, and it works just fine as long as im not signed in in the back end. If i am signed in jq isnt loaded due to mootools being loaded with qe. I dont want to disable/delete quickedit. Ive read that there is some kind of quick fix for this problem. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    • If you’re using jQuery on the frontend then use the noConflict mode to assign jQuery to use a different reference (instead of the $ reference used by mootools).

      To use the noConflict mode, place this in your JS code before you call any of the jQuery functions:

      And then, in your jQuery code, replace any references to $() with jQuery(). More information here: http://docs.jquery.com/Core/jQuery.noConflict
        Garry Nutting
        Senior Developer
        MODX, LLC

        Email: [email protected]
        Twitter: @garryn
        Web: modx.com
        • 23299
        • 1,161 Posts
        The conflict will only be an issue when you are logged into the Manager though.

        The viewing public will not be aware of the issue...
          • 11187
          • 6 Posts
          Thank you very much, works like a charm. I’ve noticed that it worked without me being signed in as i stated in the previous post. Again, thanks.
            • 32344
            • 11 Posts
            this fix worked for me thanks! grin
              • 25951
              • 9 Posts
              So I downloaded 1.0. Before I was on It was Quick Edit in those days, now it’s Quick Manager that is making some problems, because I am using css dock menu.

              I am not really sure on how to do this? I tried to change the code but nothing happened, hence I think I placed the things at the wrong place. My <head> ist loading jquery and interface.js like that:

              <title>[(site_name)] - [*pagetitle*]</title>
              <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=[(modx_charset)]" />
              <meta name="keywords" content="[*Schlagworte*]" />
              <!-- add your meta tags here -->
              <link href="[(base_url)]assets/templates/alext/css/alext.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
              <!--[if lte IE 7]>
              <link href="[(base_url)]assets/templates/alext/css/patches/alext_patches.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
              <style type="text/css">
               div, img { behavior: url(assets/templates/alext/css/patches/iepngfix.htc) }
              <script type="text/javascript" src="[(base_url)]assets/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
              <script type="text/javascript" src="[(base_url)]assets/js/interface.js"></script>

              Then in the beginning of the <body> there is the actual javascript for the menu.

              <script type="text/javascript">
              					maxWidth: 50,
              					items: 'a',
              					itemsText: 'span',
              					container: '.dock-container',
              					itemWidth: 40,
              					proximity: 90,
              					halign : 'center'

              So my first try was like that: I added the jQuery.noConflict at the body-js code before the first $... came into play. Then I changed both of the $ into jQuery. I reloaded the page - nothing changed. Then I opened the interface.js and put the noConflict ontop. Again nothing changed. As well I played around a bit with the options of the QM-Plugin that is to say I changed the point when to load QM and tried reloading. Well nothing happened. smiley I now have undone every changes and started to ask you guys as I am some kind of a N00b to js. It’d be nice if someone can tell me how I get both QM and css dock menu (the fisheye thing) up and running.

              Kind regards in advance for any hints.

                • 13304
                • 2 Posts
                I was looking for this solution! Although it took me quite some time to find out the problem was caused by the quickedit module...

                Thanx for the fix! grin

                  • 14865
                  • 1 Posts
                  Quote from: garryn at Feb 13, 2009, 06:07 PM

                  And then, in your jQuery code, replace any references to $() with jQuery(). ...
                  Actually there is more elegant and easier way to use $ without overwriting all you $()’s to jQuery(). You need to put your javascript code in closure like it’s explained in this post about jQuery.noConflict():

                    // here comes the code that uses $
                  • Quote from: jQueryNinja at Aug 17, 2009, 12:28 PM

                    Quote from: garryn at Feb 13, 2009, 06:07 PM

                    And then, in your jQuery code, replace any references to $() with jQuery(). ...
                    Actually there is more elegant and easier way to use $ without overwriting all you $()’s to jQuery(). You need to put your javascript code in closure like it’s explained in this post about jQuery.noConflict():

                      // here comes the code that uses $

                    i now this post is old i have no new information’s but i try jQuery in NO CONFLICT mode in second method...

                    and work beautiful!

                    10x jQueryNinja
                      palma non sine pulvere