I’d like to be able to create a table that the user can edit without using TinyMCE. For instance, I have a client with a list of published works. She wants to be able to list out title, author, publisher, price, etc for each of these works. And she wants the ability to add and possibly even rearrange rows. I understand I could use Ditto and make each row a separate page with template variables. But that’s a pretty clunky solution. I’d prefer something AJAX driven but at least contained on one page. Any ideas?
☆ A M B ☆
- 2,475 Posts
By "re-arrange rows" I’m guessing you mean changing the display order... you can get that kind of functionality by changing the menu index for each page... this is assuming that each "row" is a MODx document that you can list and sort using Snippets like ListIndex or Wayfinder or Ditto.
MODx could really use a simple Ajax-based table editor, but I’m not aware of one at present. I think the closest thing would be eForm and eForm2DB.
☆ A M B ☆
- 2,475 Posts
Aahh... yes... that SEEMS like it would be simple to the average user, but something that remotely resembles Excel where you can move rows around can be a tricky proposition when it comes to the technical realities of it.... unless you’re prepared for a bit of a jump into code-infested waters, the document solution might be the easiest way. If you’re ready to take the plunge, I can think of a couple places I might start, but they seem entirely too complicated. Someone has got to have a better suggestion than the module/snippet thing I’m thinking of...