Hi All,
I’ve been trying to search for a solution but I cannot find one.
I’ve hopefully got everything working ok but for one little thing. When I try and edit a post there is nothing in the content. The Titles show up but no content. Can canyone help?
I’m currently using Modx with TinyMCE v3.1.0.1a.
My snippet calls are:
[!NewsEditor? &folder=`13` &postid=`25` &canpost=`Admin Group` &formtpl=`FormBlog` &footertpl=`` &makefolder=`1` &rtcontent=`tvblogContent` &clearcache=`1`!]
[!NewsManager? &folder=`13` &editformid=`24`!]
NewsEditor page ID is 24
NewsManager page ID is 25
Everything else works
I didn’t look hard enough: