I have some Web Users who have the rights to create and submit news (title, introtext, content, pubdate) in the site.
This can be done with the NewsPublisher, but we do prefer using
Btw, using NewsPublisher, FDM, or whatever (better if FDM because we need it’s features, but we can adapt ourselves if required as long as FDM features are guaranteed with other solutions), we would like some directions from you other MODx gurus out there, to accomplish the following task:
not only a title, an introtext, a content and a pubdate should be associated with a news article (yes, longtitle is omitted because we don’t need it - so if your suggestions require a blank longtitle field, we do have it): the Web User should have in the form the possibility to upload and attach whatever number of images, and whatever number of files.
Then, we would like also Ditto (or whatever) to let users reading that news-article with attached stuff, present the attached content (images like clickable thumbnails, and files like clickable and downloadable links). You can click some of the news in
this page as an example (some of them have no attachments, some others have just photos, some others have just downloadable files, and some others have both).
We hope you can give some help, thanks.
Here it is an
example with several images and several files attached.