was using ModX and deleted the Quick Edit module, as I didn’t use it. And now I get an error:
« MODx Parse Error »
MODx encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource:
« PHP Parse Error »
PHP error debug
Error: output(/home/jaukioserd/domains/jaukioserdves.lt/public_html//home/jaukioserd/domains/jaukioserdves.lt/public_html/assets/modules/quick_edit/lang/english.inc.php) [function.output]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
Error type/ Nr.: Warning - 2
File: /home/jaukioserd/domains/jaukioserdves.lt/public_html/assets/modules/quick_edit/output.class.inc.php
Line: 54
Line 54 source: include_once ($qe_eng_path);
Parser timing
MySQL: 0.0009 s (3 Requests)
PHP: 0.0059 s
Total: 0.0068 s
Reinstalled QuickEdit, the actual file exists (english.inc.php). Reinstalled (upgraded) Modx, but still the same. Please, help! What should I do?
MODx is great! Thanks for great work!
Portfolio, mostly MODx:
Not an answer per se but some information I learnt.
When one reinstalls the system does not update files, it effectively looks and if the system file are ’up to date’ it doesn’t seem to do anything, except update the index.html page. There’s an option here missing, which would be upgrade {force reinstall} without overwriting user data. I ended up copying the sql data out, deleting the table set, reinstalling and then rewriting the data set by running the SQL. The install program won’t let you ’install’ if it detects the database already exists for example.
in /assets/cache/siteCache.idx.php
on 4723 lin change value on:
$p[’QuickEdit’] = ’’;
and on lines
5069: // $e[’OnParseDocument’] = array(’QuickEdit’);
5077: $e[’OnWebPagePrerender’] = array(’Search Highlighting’); // edit $e[’OnWebPagePrerender’] = array(’QuickEdit’,’Search Highlighting’);
it’s helps me
PS forgot u must foun in table site_modules id of quickeditor and remove rows form table site_plugins where pluginid = id of quickedit
You need to disable the module + the plug-in to disable QuickEdit.
Yeah you right... it’s more simple solve problem )