Please help guys! I need to have this site done by Friday so I can present it on Sunday (can’t work on it on saturday or fri night).
wow, hah. Thank you there, I must’ve accidentily deleted them (or forgot to have hightlighted that part when copy-pasting).
But now it’s saying my content is blank in a pop-up window after I click "Blog It"... I have the rtcontent set up right don’t I? My tv is called BlogContent, it’s RichText using the RichText widget, and that’s all I put in...That was all I needed for the TV isn’t it?
Edit: Ok, so now I realized that in puting in my TV, I took out the actual code for the input. I don’t know the code for the input exactly, and also how do I use that with a Rich-Text Editor widget so that my users can style their posts more?