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    • 29703
    • 217 Posts
    Hello everyone,

    The previous site I created in ModX had a pretty steep learning curve (for me smiley) to develop. My second one I’m gliding through quite nicely.

    I am however stuck on something with NewsPublisher.

    When publishing a news item, I simply want a custom template using the &template parameter. The problem is that no matter what template I reference with this parameter, even if it’s the default template, it publishes the content on a blank page. Though if I leave the &template out, it happily publishes the item on to the default template.

    My code is as follows

    [!NewsPublisher? &template='WymondhamNews' &folder=`6` &makefolder=`1` &formtpl=`BlogForm` &rtcontent=`tvblogContent`!]

    Any help would be appreciated.
      • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
      • 24,524 Posts
      Look closely at your &template= parameter in your snippet call. You used single-quotes instead of backticks.
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        • 29703
        • 217 Posts
        That is crazy. Thanks for picking that up, that would have stumped me for weeks undecided

        I’m back on track.