I use the Quickedit Plugin for frontend-editing. And i have activated the caching-mechanism. But now following happens (i try to explain the steps):
1. Clearing cache (via FTP)
2. Open homepage of my site (now a new caching site in the caching folder is created)
3. Login into the manager
4. Go to homepage of my site
--> Now i should see the Quickedit button for editing the content. But there is none, because the site was cached before.
Now the other way round:
1. Clearing cache via FTP
2. Login into manager
3. Go to homepage of my site
--> Now i see the Quickedit button (like it should be)!
4. Logout from manager
5. Go to homepage of my site
--> HTML error appears because of Quickedit Tag inside the code:
<!-- content START -->
<quickedit:content /><h1 class="langDe">Headline</h1>
This seems like a real caching problem to me. But how can i solve this?
Does anyone had the same problem and maybe a solution for it?
Thanks, captain