i’ve got almost everything in my site working, but i have one lagging issue... some sort of quickedit conflict. instead of showing up as the pretty menu-bar style menu, it shows up as an list... but only on child-pages. parent pages show up correctly. both are using the same template... so i’m a bit confused.
i’ve attached a screen shot of a parent page when logged in to quickedit and one from a child page (both use the same template).
i’ve looked thru the "toolbar.css" in the quickedit module’s styles directory, and i don’t see anything that would obviously conflict with my site’s styles...
any ideas?
"A great democracy must be progressive, or soon it shall cease to be great, and soon it shall cease to be a democracy." -Theodore Roosevelt
i am running the latest version of MODx (0.9.6).
however, i did not have the base href code you mentioned. i just now added it, and ZING! everything works!
ryan, your skills are mind-bending!
"A great democracy must be progressive, or soon it shall cease to be great, and soon it shall cease to be a democracy." -Theodore Roosevelt
now it seems none of my relative paths work!
so i’m on, say, child-1.html inside a parent page. when i click on a link on child-1 to, say, "child-2.html" it used to know to go to domain.com/parent/child-2.html, but now it goes to domain.com/child-2.html.
i think this has to do with that site_url variable thing. any ideas how to make my friendly url’s friendly again without breaking quickedit?
"A great democracy must be progressive, or soon it shall cease to be great, and soon it shall cease to be a democracy." -Theodore Roosevelt