I am having some problems with QuickEdit. I installed MODx 0.9.6, and everything works except for QuickEdit. I can open up the editor, but when I make some changes to the content and hit "Apply", I see the "-- Styles --" and "Paragraph" drop down boxes gray out, and thats it. I reload the page, and my changes were not implemented. I also tried clearing the cache, and that did not work either. I have also tried two different accounts (including admin) and not luck. Can someone help!?!? That would be great. Sorry, I am a bit of a newbie. Thanks in advance!!!!
Can anyone me? I am running Apache 2.2.2, PHP 5.1.6, MySQL 5.0.22, MODx 0.9.6, and my OS is Fedora Core 5. It has to be some sort of setting in MODx I would have thought. I tried QuickEdit on several different browsers and several different OS’s. Should QuickEdit be able to work with a normal installation, or does it require configuration?
MODX Staff
- 12,272 Posts
Quick Edit should just work. I’ve not seen it fail like that before. Have you tried running it in a XAMPP environment or on another server?
Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
Well I got it to work. I’m running FreeBSD now, and QuickKEdit finally works. I’m not sure what was causing the issue, but it works now.