Hi community,
as a newbe I spent spent quite a lot of time to set up my lokal WAMP environment and finally managed to install MODx 0.9.6

I hope it’s OK when I directly ask for help to solve my current problem: QuickEdit resp. "Edit content" does not work.
I also tried to install FCKEditor as recommended
http://www.modxcms.com/FCKEditor-583.html but I didn’t succeed because there was no option to choose FCKEditor.
I would really like to carry on dicovering MODx so I’d be thankful for any help.
Windows XP
Apache 2.0.59
MySQL 4.1.22
PHP 4.4.7
phpMyAdmin 2.10.2
The main problem was that the installation of the MODx database was only possible as root.
After changing manager/includes/config.inc.php to a MySQL user with all privileges on the modx database I got a "Failed to create the database connection" error.
Comments on this would be very much appreciated, as well.