I have just do a fresh instal of MOD 095, and the fonctionality works fine. Excepted for on matter.
After login to the manager and I click on "Preview" to see the web site, all QuickEdit item and not working.
Note that before the installation MODx run the test and it was success. I also not have any problem or erreur during the installation. I download the ltest version of MODx-095-RC2-r1942.zip
-When I click on "<<Etid Content" Nothing happen
-I a go to another page and I click to "<<Edit Content" it goes the the home page (id=1)
- The QuickEdit toolbox can not be drag to the page amd I also can not develop the content menu of the QuickEdit toolbox.
Any idea?
Many thanbk for your help
I’ve seen <<<Edit Content issue - it is caused by a clash with base href - and I believe that affects everyone. (now reported as FS#666).
I’ve not seen the other issue. What browser are you using?
Hello thank for your answer.
I am using Safar and Firefox and IE. The problem is the same for all.
I just reinstall all /clean install) but the problem is still present. Do you thing is a general bug?
many thanks for your answer.
I am new with MODx but would you have an idea (approximatively) when the bug can be fixed?
Have a nice day anf thanks for you effort
MODX Staff
- 12,272 Posts
It should be fixed for the release of 095 which is quite soon we anticipate.
Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me