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    • 1764
    • 680 Posts
    There’s a small mistake on the recent 0.9 release. The QuickEdit Manager, Logout and Help links have two href attributes. The first one is href="#" which seem to become the dominant one which mean the real links don’t work.

    I’m attaching a quick fix. Just overwrite the /assets/modules/quick_edit/output.class.inc.php file with the attachhed zipped file.
      • 18397
      • 3,250 Posts
      Here is the text file for those who don’t like zips:
        • 18397
        • 3,250 Posts
        Fix worked, thanks Adam!

        @zi A link in the downloads page soon?
          • 4018
          • 1,131 Posts
          Err...actually, it’s not quite fixed. Here’s a suggestion that I think will work better:

          In the original release of the output.class.inc.php file that is included with the 0.9.0 release, the links within the QE_menu_1 div had href values of "#". It looks like in your update that you simply removed the href’s altogether. Although this may work ok, it’s not exactly syntatically correct...nor is it valid. Instead, why not use this?:

              <div id="QE_menu_1" class="collapsed">
                      <li><a href="javascript:;" id="QE_ShowHide" onclick="QE_ShowHideLinks(true);" title="Show and hide the QuickEdit links">Show/Hide Links</a></li>
                      <li><a href="javascript:;" id="QE_Manager" href="{$managerPath}" title="Go to the MODx manager">Manager</a></li>
                      <li><a href="javascript:;" id="QE_Logout" href="{$logoutUrl}" title="Logout of your manager acount">Logout</a></li>
                      <li><a href="javascript:;" id="QE_Help" href="http://www.modxcms.com/quickedit.html" title="QuickEdit documentation on modxcms.com">Help</a></li>

          I also fixed the li tags as well. The use of "#" in an href value can cause problems depending on the use of the link. But simply removing the href altogether isn’t good either since it will make the code invalid. What I have found to be a much better approach is to simply use an empty javascript call. Works great, makes the code valid, and doesn’t interfere with the behavior of the link. laugh

            Jeff Whitfield

            "I like my coffee hot and strong, like I like my women, hot and strong... with a spoon in them."
            • 1764
            • 680 Posts
            Thanks Jeff.

            Actually I didn’t remove any hrefs. All of the links have at least one, I just removed the double hrefs. If you look even at your code above you’ll notice the double hrefs in the Manager and Help links.

            I agree on javascript, that will come in the next release. I’m at a conference now without a lot of free time so I just stripped out the extra hrefs and uploaded it, because I didn’t have much time for anything else. I’ll make that javascript update tonight.

            I was planning on going with something like
            href="javascript: function() {return false;}"

            I didn’t know if javascript:; would cause problems. Have you tested javascript:; with a few different browsers?
              • 25663 MODX Staff
              • 12,272 Posts
              Jeff... look carefully at the code you posted, particularly on the lines that look like they had no hrefs... wink
                Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
                Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
                • 4018
                • 1,131 Posts
                Oh...yeah...you’re right! Heh heh! I’m a moron! Here’s the corrected code then:

                            <li><a href="javascript:;" id="QE_ShowHide" onclick="QE_ShowHideLinks(true);" title="Show and hide the QuickEdit links">Show/Hide Links</a></li>
                            <li><a id="QE_Manager" href="{$managerPath}" title="Go to the MODx manager">Manager</a></li>
                            <li><a id="QE_Logout" href="{$logoutUrl}" title="Logout of your manager acount">Logout</a></li>
                            <li><a id="QE_Help" href="http://www.modxcms.com/quickedit.html" title="QuickEdit documentation on modxcms.com">Help</a></li>

                The use of "javascript:;" in an href value doesn’t cause problems at all. It’s just an empty javascript call...doesn’t do a darn thing. It’s the use of "#" that causes problems. In some cases, it can cause the browser to link back up to the top of the page...which can sometimes cause problems if you’re using an ’onclick’ method to do something specific with the link.

                  Jeff Whitfield

                  "I like my coffee hot and strong, like I like my women, hot and strong... with a spoon in them."
                  • 25663 MODX Staff
                  • 12,272 Posts
                  Log it for due in 0.9.1, please wink
                    Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
                    Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
                    • 26435
                    • 1,193 Posts
                    I get this error when I try to use QuickEdit on any of my pages

                    No record found for id 0
                      Husband, Father, Brother, Son, Programmer, Atheist, Nurse, Friend, Lover, Fighter.
                      All of the above... in no specific order.

                      I send pointless little messages
                      • 1764
                      • 680 Posts
                      Hmmm, I thought we had that fixed.

                      The problem is easy to fix, it’s caused by duplicated module depndencies created by an update. See this thread for directions on how to fix it.
