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    • 36805
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    Is it possible to close comments for a certain document? How is it done?
      • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
      • 24,524 Posts
      I would presume you would simply modify the parameter in the Jot snippet call to disable posting.
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        • 36805
        • 354 Posts
        Quote from: sottwell at Jun 30, 2011, 07:05 AM

        I would presume you would simply modify the parameter in the Jot snippet call to disable posting.
        I was hoping for something more suited to the enduser. Though i might be able to tackle that by adding a TV for commentable documents.

        The modx wiki has dns problems at the moment so i cannot access the documentation. Which parameter disables posting replies?
          • 16278
          • 928 Posts
          I use a TV in the single-post template. It has radio options with labels On and Off and values for the Jot comment form placeholder or "comments closed" message:
          TV name: comments
          Caption: Jot comment input
          Input type: Radio Options
          Input Option Values: On==[+jot.html.form+]||Off==(Comments closed)
          Default Value: [+jot.html.form+]

          My setup is actually slightly more complicated, using a snippet to check visitors against the Project Honeypot blacklist and deny known spammers the opportunity to post anything, as well as giving manual control per item on comment-closing. Just putting the [*comments*] TV in place of the [+jot.html.form+] placeholder should work, I think.

          laugh KP
            • 36805
            • 354 Posts
            Thanks for all the help thanks to google cache if found it.

            Toggling Jot parameter ’action’ between values ’default’ or ’comments’ seems to do the trick. I suppose this just hides the form and with some knowledge you could still post. But well Jot is just what it is.