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    • 6281
    • 45 Posts
    Not sure if this has been covered but can anyone shed light on this problem of Jot ’required’ custom fields not showing a star?

    My Validate clause is thus: &validate=`email:Not a valid e-mail address.:email,name:Please enter your name`

    Any help would be great, thanks smiley

    I should mention i’m using ModX Evo 1.0.3 and Jot 1.1.4 (Ditto 2.1.0)
      Argue for your limitations and they are yours!
      • 8345
      • 147 Posts
      I’m not 100% sure about your question but as far as I understand you just need to create template for your Jot form and just add * stars wherever you wish.

      Just add &tplForm=`something` to your Jot call and then at chunk "something" you can add as many start wherever you wish. For example:

      E-mail*	<input tabindex="[+jot.seed:math=`?+2`+]" name="email" type="text" value="[+form.field.custom.email:esc+]" id="email[+jot.id+]" &validate=`email:Not a valid e-mail address.:email,name:Please enter your name` />