Thanks for the fantastic work. I’m using Jot with placeholders to customize the arrangement of the different chunks. Currently, if there are no comments on a post, just the "Comments" header shows up with nothing underneath it. Is there a way to include a message like "No comments yet" in this case?
Wanted to ask in case there was an option I was missing before I started digging in to a workaround involving a separate snippet and the comment count.
Hm...there’s a &tplComments parameter, but that controls the template for EACH comment, not for the comment block as a whole. I don’t see anything in the documentation about a "no comments" template. I’ll have to dig around in the snippet a bit more I guess.
☆ A M B ☆
- 24,524 Posts
Around line 434 of jot.class.inc.php, where it gets the comment count and assembles the comments, I threw in a little if/else statement that fills the "contents" variable with my preferred text if the count is 0. I would think we would just throw in another parameter and print its contents out there if it wasn’t empty.
Could you tell more indepth how to do this if/else?
@alik: T H A N K Y O U !