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  • I have discovered the hard way that you cannot duplicate and rename snippets and expect the two to behave independently if both called on the same page. As far as I can tell, the first of the snippets you call will override all other versions.

    To be specific, I was playing with the DropMenu variation that adds Access Keys. I didn’t feel like modifying the version I have already modified to include a "here" class when using selfAsLink. So I just duplicated it, replaced the content with the version adding access keys, and modified the name. Then in my top menu I call DropMenuAK directly from the template. In my left sidebar TV I call DropMenuL. Both are called with selfAsLink set to true. Both show the access keys, neither have the "here" class.

    I then tried deleting all copies and creating new, with totally unrelated names. Same behavior. No caching, by the way.

    However, if I call the version in the left without selfAsLink, that works, the active page item is not a link. But it still has the accesskey tags added to it!

    Spooky shocked
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    • Sounds like DropMenu needs to join MemberCheck and NewsListing in the change to a real class. Anyone up for assisting with this?
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me