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    I have a website I setup for my son’s school sports association. It was the first one I did using Etomite 0.6 (Heliades).

    Now I would really like to upgrade to modx latest and greatest. I searched the forum for "etomite upgrade" and skimmed the information. Most of what I found was; just backup what you have and install using the upgrade option. Which is great except I’m a network guy.

    Can someone explain the process of moving from etomite to modx. I pretty sure I can figure how to backup the database from phpmyadmin, but how do you install/upgrade?

    After backuping up the etomite database, do I delete the live db and create a new modx db?

    Currently etomite is installed in the root of my web hosting service for our account. Do I delete all files in public_html and uploade the modx files.

    Is there a doc page that lists the steps to upgrade ?

    Other than a template and one or two minor snippets, there’s nothing custom to this site.


      I am but a dwarf in a land of giants... with propellars, calculators, bluetooth and beepers smiley
    • Make sure to backup your database in case of calamity.

      The easiest thing to do would be to put your existing install into a "backup" folder or some other such location. Copy all the latest files up to the server, including the install folder.

      Next, copy all the files in your images and maybe site folder into your new assets folder — basically anything in the assets folder that you / your son created — and copy your /manager/includes/config.inc.php folder back in.

      Then you’ll need to chmod 777 this file and the assets/cache folder and contents and probably a few other folders that make sense in the assets directory.

      Finally go to yourdomain.com/install/ and let ’er rip. Make sure to select the upgrade option, and DO NOT let it install the demo site content.
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
      • We don’t currently have a document for this (I don’t think), but we do it all the time around here. There have been a few occasional incompatibilities or upgrade issues reported, but nothing significant that I can recall.

        You should backup the db and leave it as the upgrade install option will upgrade those existing tables (thus the backup).

        Next, I’d rename assets and manager folders from Etomite (e.g. assets.eto, manager.eto or similar), along with the index.php (index.php.eto) and upload the modx package into the same location. Be aware, the install packages sometimes include a subfolder in the archive /modx or /modx-0.9.x, and this can be confusing. It’s probably best to extract locally, place the contents of the /modx or /modx-0.9.x subfolder into your site root location and FTP the files, or rearchive and FTP to the server where you can extract it.

        Next, take all your custom assets files from assets.eto (images, CSS files, JS files, etc.) that are used in your site design/templates, and move them back into the new MODx assets folder as appropriate (or you can do this locally before putting the files on the server).

        Then, copy the /manager.eto/includes/config.inc.php file, which contains your current db settings and other important configuration information, into the same location in the new MODx manager.

        Finally, go to /install/, and be sure and select the Upgrade Installation option. Please note, if the option it is not highlighted, then the system can’t find the config.inc.php file.

        Other than that, everything should be pretty self-explanatory. I’ll try and get one of our talented documentation team members to expand on this and turn it into a document on the web site.

        [NOTE: I was too slow posting, Ryan beat me to it, but I’m posting anyway so you can compare/contrast the approaches...]
        • You now have the East Texas vs. West Texas officially-licensed Redneck(tm) versions to choose from.
            Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
            Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
            • 33372
            • 1,611 Posts
            Just tried this for the first time, and it was just as easy as rthrash and OpenGeek said it would be.

            This is my first MODx experiment (after a half-dozen or so Etomite sites). So far I am very impressed. Now let me see if I can break it ( wink)...

            If creating blogs and comment systems goes as smoothly as this update did, MODx is going to become my new CMS of choice.
              "Things are not what they appear to be; nor are they otherwise." - Buddha

              "Well, gee, Buddha - that wasn't very helpful..." - ZAP

              Useful MODx links: documentation | wiki | forum guidelines | bugs & requests | info you should include with your post | commercial support options
            • Quote from: ZAP at Apr 09, 2006, 08:11 PM

              Just tried this for the first time, and it was just as easy as rthrash and OpenGeek said it would be.

              This is my first MODx experiment (after a half-dozen or so Etomite sites). So far I am very impressed. Now let me see if I can break it ( wink)...

              If creating blogs and comment systems goes as smoothly as this update did, MODx is going to become my new CMS of choice.

              Welcome ZAP, and glad it went smoothly. We have another release coming very soon to address some known issues in 0.9.1 and add even more functionality to MODx; in the meantime, let us know if we can help you find resolutions to any issues you encounter.
                • 33372
                • 1,611 Posts
                Thanks for the warm welcome. I saw that there’s a new version on the verge of being released but I decided to take the plunge with 0.91 for now on this site. It’s a pretty simple site and I can always update it later.

                I need to start another site next week, so maybe I’ll get lucky and 0.92 will be out in time for that one.

                If not, there’s always the next one...
                  "Things are not what they appear to be; nor are they otherwise." - Buddha

                  "Well, gee, Buddha - that wasn't very helpful..." - ZAP

                  Useful MODx links: documentation | wiki | forum guidelines | bugs & requests | info you should include with your post | commercial support options
                • And the upgrade should take longer to FTP the files up than it will to upgrade, so it’s no big deal... but you might just in fact get lucky. wink

                  Welcome aboard! laugh
                    Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
                    Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me