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  • Some changes in 2.1 introduced a defect with calls to getTVDisplayFormat() from getTemplateVarOutput(). Here is the solution starting at line 1404 of /manager/includes/document.parser.class.inc.php -- simply replace line 1404; looks like this:

    $output[$row['name']] = ($curDoc && $this->documentObject[$row['name']]) ? $this->documentObject[$row['name']] : getTVDisplayFormat($this,$row['name'],$row['value'],$row['display'],$row['display_params'],$row['type']);

    with the following 5 lines:

    $replace_richtext = "";
    $richtexteditor = "";
    $w = "100%";
    $h = "300";
    $output[$row['name']] = ($curDoc && $this->documentObject[$row['name']]) ? $this->documentObject[$row['name']] : getTVDisplayFormat($this,$row['name'],$row['value'],$row['display'],$row['display_params'],$row['type'],$replace_richtext,$richtexteditor,$w,$h);