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  • I really think there's a problem with the SQL in this API function, found near line 1289 of document.parser.class.inc.php:
    	function getTemplateVars($idnames=array(), $fields = "*", $docid="", $published=1, $sort="rank", $dir="ASC") {
    		if(($idnames!='*' && !is_array($idnames)) || count($idnames)==0) {
    			return false;
    		else {
    			$result = array();
    			// get document record
    			if ($docid=="") {
    				$docid = $this->documentIdentifier;
    				$docRow = $this->documentObject;
    			else {
    				$docRow = $this->getDocument($docid, '*', $published);
    				if (!$docRow) return false;
    			// get user defined template variables
    			$fields = ($fields=="") ? "tv.*" : 'tv.'.implode(',tv.',preg_replace("/^\s/i","",explode(',',$fields)));
    			$sort = ($sort=="") ? "":'tv.'.implode(',tv.',preg_replace("/^\s/i","",explode(',',$sort)));
    			if ($idnames=="*") $query = "tv.id<>0";
    			else $query = (is_numeric($idnames[0]) ? "tv.id":"tv.name")." IN ('".implode("','",$idnames)."')";
    			$tbn = $this->dbConfig['dbase'].".".$this->dbConfig['table_prefix'];
    			if ($_SESSION['docgroups']) $docgrp = implode(",",$_SESSION['docgroups']);
    			$sql = "SELECT $fields, IF(tvc.value!='',tvc.value,tv.default_text) as value ";
    			$sql.= "FROM ".$tbn."site_tmplvars tv ";
    			$sql.= "INNER JOIN ".$tbn."site_tmplvar_templates tvtpl ON tvtpl.tmplvarid = tv.id ";
    			$sql.= "LEFT JOIN ".$tbn."site_tmplvar_contentvalues tvc ON tvc.tmplvarid=tv.id AND tvc.contentid = '".$docid."' ";
    			$sql.= "WHERE ".$query." AND tvtpl.templateid = ".$docRow['template'];
    			if ($sort) $sql.= " ORDER BY $sort $dir ";
    			$rs = $this->dbQuery($sql);
    			for($i=0;$i<@$this->recordCount($rs);$i++)  {
    			// get default/built-in template variables
    			foreach ($docRow as $key => $value) {
    				if ($idnames=="*" || in_array($key,$idnames)) array_push($result,array("name"=>$key,"value"=>$value));
    			return ($result!=false) ? $result[0]:false;

    This is based on this inquiry.
      Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
      Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
    • No SQL errors, but the problem is in the API code. I switched to using the getTemplateVarOutput call and had to make one change. Somewhere arond the line 1344, find:
      				$curDoc = $docid==$this->documentIdentifier ? true:false;

      and change to:
      				$curDoc = false;

      The TemplateVar-related API calls will be reworked for an upcoming Tech Preview.
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me