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    • 18436
    • 135 Posts
    Hi, I posted a request for the following in the main snippet thread but thought I’d put it here too.

    It would be great of Ditto could assign a activeLink css class to a link if it points to the current document, pretty much like the DropMenu snippet does, alternatively if that’s not possible then have it generate just the pagetitle without the enclosing href tag.

    I also ran across a url error when it generated an archive of blog posts, namely there was an orphaned double-quote between the siteurl and the pageurl. Sadly this error is on my home machine so I can’t post the eaxct code but it was along the following lines:


    Not sure if anyone else has encountered a similar problem, this occured when calling a multi-level list. Perhaps I slight mistype in the snippet or php class file?
      • 18397
      • 3,250 Posts
      Change this line in the english language file:

      $_lang['default_archive_template'] = "<a href=\"'[~[+id+]~]\">[+title+]</a> (<span class=\"ditto_date\">[+date+]</span>)";


      $_lang['default_archive_template'] = "<a href=\"[~[+id+]~]\">[+title+]</a> (<span class=\"ditto_date\">[+date+]</span>)";

      admin note: the second call removes a single-quote in the front of the href
        • 18436
        • 135 Posts
        Hi Mark, after delving through all the files I just found and corrected the error, dialup via my mobile and discovered you beat me to it!!! You Rascal you! grin

        At least the fix is now documented!