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    • 312
    • 23 Posts

    I am trying to use the NewsListing snippet and it works. But there is problem. After the post, it says, more on this text. I dont want the more on this text at all. I want it to be plain. How do i do it?

      Why do people point to their wrists when asking for the time, but don’t point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?

      • 18397
      • 3,250 Posts
      Remove [+link+] from the NewsListing chunk tpl.

      Creating a new NewsListing template:

      To create your own templates you will need to have some knowledge of how html works.

      Create a chunk based on following code and note its name. This document will assume you named it NewsListingTemplate.
      Default display template (tpl):
      <div class="summaryPost">
      <h3><a href="[~[+id+]~]">[+title+]</a></h3>
      <div style="text-align:right;">by <strong>[+author+]</strong> on [+date+]</div>
      Available placeholders

      * Any document object (list) in the format of
      * - pagetitle (included for backwards compadibility)
      * - documents content (DO NOT USE )
      * - html link to the full post (uses the &truncText text)
      * - user who created the document
      * - outputs a neatly formatted date (uses dateformat and datetype)

      Append &tpl=`NewsListingTemplate` to your snippet call and NewsListing will use your custom template
        • 18397
        • 3,250 Posts
        @zi please merge into [Snippet] NewsListing thread