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    Quote from: aladage at Jul 06, 2009, 06:16 PM

    My other thought is that I continue to use NewsPublisher and somehow integrate FileUpload or FancyUpload to handle the image upload process.

    How did you do this? NewsPublisher and FileUpload both require a tpl. How did you call them? Or did you make a two step process?
      DropboxUploader -- Upload files to a Dropbox account.
      DIG -- Dynamic Image Generator
      gus -- Google URL Shortener
      makeQR -- Uses google chart api to make QR codes.
      MODxTweeter -- Update your twitter status on publish.
      • 4385
      • 372 Posts
      Ok, I came up with a two step solution. It is kind of a hack and I had to modify the FileUpload snippet, but it doesn’t seem to impact its use. Here is how I did it.

      NewsPublisher Page

      [!NewsPublisher? &folder=`4039` &template=`Posts Template` &formtpl=`post` &clearcache =`1`!]

      post CHUNK (formTPL)

          <form enctype="multipart/form-data" name="NewsPublisher" method="post" action="[~[*id*]~]">
              <input name="NewsPublisherForm" type="hidden" value="on" />
              Page title:<br /><input name="pagetitle" type="text" size="40" value="[+pagetitle+]" /><br />
              Content:<br /><textarea name="content" cols="50" rows="8">[+content+]</textarea><br />
              <input type="hidden" name="formid" value="[+fileupload.formid+]" />
              <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="[+fileupload.maxsize+]" />
              <input name="send" type="submit" value="Submit" />

      So far nothing, out of the ordinary.
      I have modified FileUpload to rename the uploaded file to the id of the newly created page from NewPublisher.
      	// rename file
      	$type = substr(strrchr($uploadfile, "."), 1);
      	rename($uploadfile, $path . $modx->documentIdentifier . "_photo." . $type);

      There are a few more things that I added too. Here is how I call the new FileUpload, inside a template.

      Posts Template (from the NewsPublisher call)

      The template specific content...

      <h3>Upload Picture</h3>
      [!FileUpload? &tpl=`FileUploadForm`&path=`/assets/files/` &extensions=`jpg` &renameUpload=`1` &updateTemplate=`4113` &goto=`4039`!]

      I have added three new parameters to my "hacked" FileUpload snippet.

      &renameUpload = rename the file uploaded to the document id
      &updateTemplate = is the id of the the template to change the post to after the photo has been uploaded. I do not want the file upload form to show again.
      &goto = is the page to goto after changing the template, 4039 is a page that has a ditto call to display all the posts.

      Template id 4113

      contains this...

      <img width="150" src="[(base_url)]assets/files/[*id*]_photo.jpg">

      This is just a simple example. It solves my particular problem. I will probably add logic with PHx to hide the img tag if no photo is found. Also add phpThumb to size the image properly. I hope it helps someone else. I am not a php developer, again I just cut and paste from other snippets and code.

      Please download the original FileUpload snippet and then download my modified one to see the changes I made. I also had to delete the cache on the document after I changed the template.

        DropboxUploader -- Upload files to a Dropbox account.
        DIG -- Dynamic Image Generator
        gus -- Google URL Shortener
        makeQR -- Uses google chart api to make QR codes.
        MODxTweeter -- Update your twitter status on publish.