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    • 31837
    • 59 Posts
    Hi Guys,

    I was just wondering if anyone knew which snippet, or what method I should go about to use, to print, or display an entire site on one page, to allow for auditing and corrections, before a site is to go live.

    Any thoughts? thanks.

      • 31837
      • 59 Posts
      Hi guys, I got it working. So I’ll kind of say don’t worry.

      This old snippet from etomite that sort of did the trick.

      If you have folders, you’ll just have to do something similar to this... for each of the folders.


      // --------------------
      // Snippet: NewsListing
      // --------------------
      // Originated as NewsListing v1.0 by Alex
      // Revised as NewsListingRevised by mrruben5
      // Revised as NewsListingRev02 by LePrince

      // Revised as NewsListingRev03 v1.0 by Lloyd Borrett ([email protected])
      // This version takes many of the ideas of NewsListingRev02 back
      // into the tableless form of NewsListingRevised. Plus adds some other ideas.
      // Showing the date-time is now optional.
      // Option to output dates and times as local time.
      // This would be typically done using the Etomite configuration
      // "server offset time" value. But you can specify a different value.
      // Option to get only active documents, or all documents, in the folder.

      // Revised as NewsListingRev03 v1.1 by Lloyd Borrett ([email protected])
      // Added options to specify the sort field and sort direction as arguments.
      // Last Modified: 08-Oct-2005

      //===== USAGE: ===============
      // [[NewsListing]]
      // [[NewsListing?newsid=8]]
      // [[NewsListing?newsid=8&complete_news_id=10]]
      // and so on for all the acceptable arguments.

      //===== ARGUMENTS: ===============

      // the folder that contains news entries
      // passed as argument "newsid" or default to current document id
      $resourceparent = isset($newsid) ? $newsid : $etomite->documentIdentifier;

      // set this to the id of the document which contains the
      // snippetcall where ALL news-articles are to be shown.
      // the "Older news" text serves as hyperlink
      // -1 = ignore this
      if (!isset($complete_news_id)) {$complete_news_id = 0;}

      // should the author be displayed? 1=yes, 0=no
      if (!isset($show_author)) {$show_author = 0;}

      // should the date-time be displayed? 1=yes, 0=no
      if (!isset($show_date)) {$show_date = 1;}

      // how many "older news" shall be displayed
      // -1 = all of them
      if (!isset($older_news)) {$older_news = -1;}

      // should the pagetitle, which is used as heading, be clickable?
      if (!isset($title_as_link)) {$title_as_link = 1;}

      // should the news item text be omitted? 1=yes, 0=no
      // goes nicely with $title_as_link!
      if (!isset($title_only)) {$title_only = 0;}

      // should only active documents be displayed? 1=yes, 0=no
      // yes - returns only active documents (i.e. published and not deleted) in the folder
      // no - returns all documents (i.e. published, unpublished, deleted) in the folder
      if (!isset($show_only_active)) {$show_only_active = 1;}

      // What field should the news items be sorted on?
      // Typically this would be ’createdon’, but there may be
      // times where ’menuindex’ or another field is preferred.
      if (!isset($sortfield)) {$sortfield = ’createdon’;}

      // What direction should the news items be sorted on?
      // Typically this would be ’DESC’ descending, but there may
      // be times when ’ASC’ is preferred.
      if (!isset($sortdir)) {$sortdir = ’DESC’;}

      //===== end of arguments =========

      //===== CONFIGURATION: ===============

      // number of news items to show a "short story" of
      $nrblogs = 30;

      // total number of news items to retrieve
      // archives is $nrblogstotal minus $nrblogs
      $nrblogstotal = 30;

      // how many characters to show of news item if splitter not being used
      $lentoshow = 15000;

      // what indicates the "full story", i.e. the end of the
      // short portion and the beginning of the
      // "full story" - this has to be "written" manually in
      // the article’s text in HTML-mode (without the apostrophes of course)!
      // the <!-- --> makes it a comment which is automatically
      // invisible within the article.
      $splitter = "<!--FullStory-->";

      // the text to show as full story link
      $fullstorytext = "Full Story";

      // shall the article be cut off at the *splitter*? 1=yes, 0=no
      $use_splitter = 1;

      // the text to show for no entries found
      $noentriestext = "No entries found.";

      // the text to show as heading for older news
      // Note that you must write special characters as html entities.
      $oldernewstext = "Older news";

      // the default author name
      $noauthortext = "anonymous";
      // the date-time format to display based on strftime()
      $timeformat = "%A, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M %p"; # ( Thursday, 08-Oct-2005 02:00 PM )

      // get server offset time in hours
      $server_offset_time = $etomite->config[’server_offset_time’];
      if (!$server_offset_time) {
      $server_offset_time = 0;
      } else {
      $server_offset_time = ($server_offset_time / 60 / 60);

      // default time offset (+/-) in hours to use
      // typically set to the Etomite configuration "server offset time" value
      // using the $server_offset_time value calculated above
      $default_time_diff = $server_offset_time;

      //===== end of configuration =========

      // initialise the news variable
      $output = ’’;

      // time adjustment
      $timeadjust = ($default_time_diff * 60 * 60);

      if ($show_only_active == 1) {
      $resource = $etomite->getActiveChildren($resourceparent, $sortfield, $sortdir, $fields=’id, pagetitle, description, content, createdon, createdby’);
      } else {
      $resource = $etomite->getAllChildren($resourceparent, $sortfield, $sortdir, $fields=’id, pagetitle, description, content, createdon, createdby’);

      $limit = count($resource);
      if ($limit < 1) {
      $output .= $noentriestext."

      $nrblogs = $nrblogs<$limit ? $nrblogs : $limit;
      if ($limit > 0) {
      for ($x = 0; $x < $nrblogs; $x++) {
      $tbl = $this->dbConfig[’dbase’].".".$this->dbConfig[’table_prefix’]."manager_users";
      $sql = "SELECT username FROM $tbl WHERE $tbl.id = ".$resource[$x][’createdby’];
      $rs2 = $etomite->dbQuery($sql);
      $limit2 = $etomite->recordCount($rs2);
      if ($limit2 < 1) {
      $username .= $noauthortext;
      } else {
      $resourceuser = $etomite->fetchRow($rs2);
      $username = $resourceuser[’username’];

      //====== Splitter to be used? =====
      if ($use_splitter == 1) {
      if (is_string(strstr ($resource[$x][’content’], $splitter))) {
      // Does the content contain the socalled "splitter"?
      $rest = array();

      // HTMLarea/XINHA encloses it in paragraph’s
      $rest = explode(’<p>’.$splitter.’</p>’,$resource[$x][’content’]);

      // For TinyMCE or if it isn’t wrapped inside paragraph tags
      $rest = explode($splitter,$rest[’0’]);

      $rest = $rest[’0’].’<p><a class="readmore" href="[~’.$resource[$x][’id’].’~]">’.$fullstorytext."</a></p>\n";
      } else {
      $rest = $resource[$x][’content’];
      //======= End of splitter part ===

      } else {
      //=== no splitter ... normal behaviour: ===
      // strip the content
      if (strlen($resource[$x][’content’]) > $lentoshow) {
      $rest = substr($resource[$x][’content’], 0, $lentoshow);
      $rest .= "...
      $rest .= "<a href=\"[~".$resource[$x][’id’]."~]\">< More on this story ></a>";
      } else {
      $rest = $resource[$x][’content’];
      //======= End of no splitter part ===

      $output .= "\n<table WIDTH=’100%’ BORDER=’0’ CELLSPACING=’0’ CELLPADDING=’0’ BGCOLOR=’#FFCC33’><tr><td><p><b>";
      if ($title_as_link == 1) {
      $output .= "<a href=[~".$resource[$x][’id’]."~]>";
      $output .= "".$resource[$x][’pagetitle’];
      if ($title_as_link == 1) {
      $output .= "</a>";
      $output .= "</b></p></td></tr></table>\n";

      if ($title_only != 1) {
      $output .= $rest."

      if (($show_author == 1) || ($show_date == 1)) {
      $output .= "<div style=\"text-align:right;color:#808080\"><font size=’1’>Posted ";
      if ($show_author == 1) {
      $output .= "by ".$username." ";
      if ($show_date == 1) {
      $output .= "on ".strftime($timeformat, $resource[$x][’createdon’] + $timeadjust);
      $output .= "</font></div>";
      $output .= "\n";

      if ($limit > $nrblogs) {
      $output .= "<p><b>";

      //=== is there a document where *all* news are to be displayed? If so
      //=== here is the hyperlink
      if ($complete_news_id != -1) {
      $output .= "<a href=\"[~$complete_news_id~]\">";

      //=== older news text:
      $output .= "$oldernewstext";

      //=== is there a document where *all* news are to be displayed? If so
      //=== close the hyperlink
      if ($complete_news_id != -1) {
      $output .= "</a>";
      $output .= "</b></p>\n";

      //=== count of older news to be shown:
      if ($older_news == -1) {
      $older_news = $limit;
      } else {
      $older_news += $nrblogs;

      $output .= "<ul class=\"oldnews\">\n";
      for ($x = $nrblogs; $x < $limit; $x++) {

      //=== show only a certain amount of older news:
      if ($x < $older_news) {
      $output .= "<li><a href=\"[~".$resource[$x][’id’]."~]\"";
      if (($show_author == 1) || ($show_date == 1)) {
      $output .= " title=\"Posted ";
      if ($show_author == 1) {
      $output .= "by ".$username." ";
      if ($show_date == 1) {
      $output .= "on ".strftime($timeformat, $resource[$x][’createdon’] + $timeadjust);
      $output .= "\"";
      $output .= ">".$resource[$x][’pagetitle’]."</a></li>\n";
      $output .= "</ul>\n";

      return $output;
        • 7231
        • 4,205 Posts
        You could use Ditto to do this. Use a Tpl (template) chunk to format the output. To do the entire site you could use one call with [!Ditto? &parents=`0` &tpl=`name_of_tpl_chunk`!]
          [font=Verdana]Shane Sponagle | [wiki] Snippet Call Anatomy | MODx Developer Blog | [nettuts] Working With a Content Management Framework: MODx

          Something is happening here, but you don&#39;t know what it is.
          Do you, Mr. Jones? - [bob dylan]
          • 31837
          • 59 Posts
          Many thanks! I’ll be doing that next time! smiley