I have an issue where using friendly alias path results in the wrong url being created (I’m using wf 2).
I’m using a drop down menu and showing the top 2 levels and basically if I’m on a top level page everythings fine but from a 2nd level page any other nav item I hover over has urls like:
where what I actually want is just:
It always puts the current level after the site url. so on the about us/people page if I want to see and event I hover over the event menu and get:
which obviously doesn’t exist.
Any ideas how to fix this?
[[Wayfinder? &outerTpl=`nav_outer` &innerTpl=`nav_inner` &rowTpl=`nav_list_item` &level=`2` &startId=`0` &rowIdPrefix=`nav_` &parentClass=`parent` &firstClass=`first`]]