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    • 12652
    • 228 Posts
    Along with using Wayfinder for main navigation, I want to use it to create a regular sitemap as well, since a sitemap is essentially one big navigation.

    I have some folders that are set not to show in the main navigation, so I use Wayfinder to ignore that and show them in the sitemap, which is fine.

    - Products A
    - Products B

    But then I also often use a folder/directory with docs for landing pages for tracking effectiveness or to offer something unique...

    - November email promotion
    - Google ads
    - Yahoo ads
    - Local radio

    So how can you have your Wayfinder cake and eat it too?

    Is there anyway, to override the no show in menu but also override the override, maybe a list of ID’s that shouldn’t be shown no matter what??
      | Identity Developments delivers SEO focused web design and web presence services
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      • 15987
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      At the moment I can’t think of a way to accomplish this with Wayfinder, I will keep it in mind for future upgrades.
        • 12652
        • 228 Posts

        I was doubting there was anything, at least nothing I had seen, but thought I’d check.
          | Identity Developments delivers SEO focused web design and web presence services
          - it's not about websites, it's about your identity. |
        • Sometimes I put stuff like that in an unpublished folder, then Wayfinder doesn’t access them.

          I have also used consecutive Wayfinder calls, each using a different "not-shown-in-menu" folder as the docId, and you can’t tell in the output that it’s separate unordered lists. This also makes for the possibility of some fancy layouts for the site map, since those "hidden" folders usually represent different sections of a site.
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            • 12652
            • 228 Posts
            So you have

            Unpublished folder
            - published doc
            - published doc
            - published doc

            and Wayfinder won’t go into the unpublished and show the published docs? That’s probably exactly what I’m looking for so I’ll give it a try.

              | Identity Developments delivers SEO focused web design and web presence services
              - it's not about websites, it's about your identity. |