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    • 5338
    • 35 Posts
    Ok now everithing is online again.

    I will post some explanation later.

    Here is DropMenu modified:
    // ###########################################
    // DropMenu                                  #
    // ###########################################
    // Configurable menu / navigation builder using UL tags
    // Offers optional DIV wrappers for top level and nested menus (useful for hover zones)
    // as well as configurable classes for the DIV, UL, and LI elements.  It even
    // marks ancestors of and the current element with a hereClass (indicating you are here 
    // and in this area of the site).  Also applies .last CSS class to final LI in each UL.
    // Developed by Vertexworks.com and Opengeek.com
    // Feel free to use if you keep this header and credits in place
    // Inspired by List Site Map by Jaredc, SimpleList by Bravado, 
    // and ListMenuX by OpenGeek
    // Corrected and modified By dev3.net
    // Configuration parameters:
    // &menuName        - name of a placeholder for placing the output in the layout
    // &topnavClass     - CSS class for styling the class assigned to the outermost UL
    // TO DO: configuration parameters above, more usage examples, CSS examples, output indenting
    // ###########################################
    // Usage Examples                            #
    // ###########################################
    // Creates menu with wrapping DIV with id=myMenu, starting at the site root, two levels deep,
    // with descriptions next to the links, and nested UL elements with class=nestedLinks; output
    // of menu can be placed in layout using placeholder named myMenu ( e.g. [ +myMenu+ ] )
    // [[DropMenu? &menuName=`myMenu` &startDoc=`0` &levelLimit=`2` &topdiv=`true` &showDescription=`true` &subnavClass=`nestedLinks`]]
    // Creates topMenu from site root, including only 1 level, with class=topMenubar applied to the top level UL
    // and class=activeLink applied to current page LI
    // [[DropMenu? &menuName=`topMenu` &startDoc=`0` &levelLimit=`1` &topnavClass=`topMenubar` &here=`activeLink`]]
    // Creates dropmenu 3 levels deep, with DIV wrappers around all nested lists styled with class=hoverZone
    // and currentPage LI styled with class=currentPage
    // [[DropMenu? &levelLimit=3 &subdiv=true &subdivClass=hoverZone &subnavClass=menuZone &here=currentPage]]
    // Creates dropmenu of infinite levels, ordered by menutitle in descending order
    // [[DropMenu?orderBy=menutitle&orderDesc=true]]
    // ###########################################
    // Configuration parameters                  #
    // ###########################################
    // $phMode [ true | false ]
    // Whether you want it to output a [+placeholder+] or simply return the output.
    // Defaults to false.
    $phMode = false;
    // $menuName [ string ]
    // Sets the name of the menu, placeholder, and top level DIV id (if topdiv 
    // option is true). Set to "dropmenu" by default.
    $phName = (!isset($phName)) ? 'dropmenu' : "$phName";
    // $siteMapRoot [int]
    // The parent ID of your root. Default 0. Can be set in 
    // snippet call with startDoc (to doc id 10 for example):
    // [[DropMenu?startDoc=10]]
    $siteMapRoot = 0;
    // $removeNewLines [ true | false ]
    // If you want new lines removed from code, set to true. This is generally
    // better for IE when lists are styled vertically. 
    $removeNewLines = (!isset($removeNewLines)) ? false : ($removeNewLines==true);
    // $maxLevels [ int ]
    // Maximum number of levels to include. The default 0 will allow all
    // levels. Also settable with snippet variable levelLimit:
    // [[DropMenu?levelLimit=2]]
    $maxLevels = 0;
    // $textOfLinks [ string ]
    // What database field do you want the actual link text to be?
    // The default is pagetitle because it is always a valid (not empty)
    // value, but if you prefer it can be any of the following:
    // menutitle, id, pagetitle, description, parent, alias, longtitle, introtext
    // TO DO: set text to be first non-empty of an array of options
    $textOfLinks = (!isset($textOfLinks)) ? 'menutitle' : "$textOfLinks";
    // $titleOfLinks [ string ]
    // What database field do you want the title of your links to be?
    // The default is pagetitle because it is always a valid (not empty)
    // value, but if you prefer it can be any of the following:
    // menutitle, id, pagetitle, description, parent, alias, longtitle, introtext
    $titleOfLinks = (!isset($titleOfLinks)) ? 'description' : "$titleOfLinks";
    // $pre [ string ]
    // Text to append before links inside of LIs
    $pre = (!isset($pre)) ? '' : "$pre";
    // $post [ string ]
    // Text to append before links inside of LIs
    $post = (!isset($post)) ? '' : "$post";
    // $selfAsLink [ true | false ]
    // Define if the current page should be a link (true) or not (false)
    $selfAsLink = (!isset($selfAsLink)) ? false : ($selfAsLink==true);
    // $hereClass [ string ]
    // CSS Class for LI and A when they are the currently selected page, as well
    // as any ancestors of the current page (YOU ARE HERE)
    $hereClass = (!isset($hereClass)) ? 'here' : $hereClass;
    // $showDescription [true | false]
    // Specify if you would like to include the description
    // with the page title link.
    $showDescription = (!isset($showDescription)) ? false : ($showDescription==true);
    // $descriptionField [ string ]
    // What database field do you want the description to be?
    // The default is description. If you specify a field, it will attempt to use it
    // first then fall back until it finds a non-empty field in description, introtext,
    // then longtitle so it really tries not be empty. It can be any of the following:
    // menutitle, id, pagetitle, description, parent, alias, longtitle, introtext
    // TO DO: set description to the first non-empty of an array of options
    $descriptionField = (!isset($descriptionField)) ? 'description' : "$descriptionField";
    // $topdiv [ true | false ]
    // Indicates if the top level UL is wrapped by a containing DIV block
    $topdiv = (!isset($topdiv)) ? false : ($topdiv==true);
    // $topdivClass [ string ]
    // CSS Class for DIV wrapping top level UL
    $topdivClass = (!isset($topdivClass)) ? 'topdiv' : "$topdivClass";
    // $topnavClass [ string ]
    // CSS Class for the top-level (root) UL
    $topnavClass = (!isset($topnavClass)) ? 'topnav' : "$topnavClass";
    // $useCategoryFolders [ true | false ]
    // If you want folders without any content to render without a link to be used
    // as "category" pages (defaults to true). In order to use Category Folders, 
    // the template must be set to (blank) or it won't work properly.
    $useCategoryFolders = (!isset($useCategoryFolders)) ? true : "$useCategoryFolders";
    // $categoryClass [ string ]
    // CSS Class for folders with no content (e.g., category folders)
    $categoryClass = (!isset($categoryClass)) ? 'category' : "$categoryClass";
    // $subdiv [ true | false ]
    // Indicates if nested UL's should be wrapped by containing DIV blocks
    // This is useful for creating "hover zones" 
    // (see http://positioniseverything.net/css-dropdowns.html for a demo)
    // TO CONSIDER: Setting a subdiv class at all turns on hover DIVs?
    $subdiv = (!isset($subdiv)) ? false : ($subdiv==true);
    // $subdivClass [ string ]
    // CSS Class for DIV blocks wrapping nested UL elements
    $subdivClass = (!isset($subdivClass)) ? 'subdiv' : "$subdivClass";
    // $orderBy [ string ]
    // Document field to sort menu by
    $orderBy = (!isset($orderBy)) ? 'menuindex' : "$orderBy";
    // $orderDesc [true | false]
    // Order results in descending order?  default is false
    $orderDesc = (!isset($orderDesc)) ? false : ($orderDesc==true);
    // $currentSpan [ string ]
    // Current item Span Id - default is id_here
    $currentSpan = (!isset($currentSpan)) ? 'id_here' : "$currentSpan";
    // $currentItem [ true | false ]
    // Should show current item class? default is true
    $currentItem = (!isset($currentItem)) ? true : "$currentItem";
    // $currentItemClass [ string ]
    // Current item class - default is 'current_item'
    $currentItemClass = (!isset($currentItemClass)) ? 'current_item' : "$currentItemClass";
    // $activeTreeOnly [ true | false ] - default is true
    // Define if the menutree should show all menuitems or only those in active menutree branch
    $activeTreeOnly = (!isset($activeTreeOnly)) ? true : "$activeTreeOnly";
    // ###########################################
    // End config, the rest takes care of itself #
    // ###########################################
    // Current item wrapper (opening tag)?  default is <span id=...>
    $prehere = ($currentSpan!='') ? "<span id=\"$currentSpan\">" : '';
    // Current item wrapper (closing tag)?  default is </span>
    $posthere = ($currentSpan!='') ? '</span>' : '';
    $debugMode = false;
    // Initialize
    $MakeMap = "";
    $siteMapRoot = (isset($startDoc)) ? $startDoc : $siteMapRoot;
    $maxLevels = (isset($levelLimit)) ? $levelLimit : $maxLevels;
    $ie = ($removeNewLines) ? '' : "\n";
    //Added by Remon: (undefined variables php notice)
    $activeLinkIDs = array();
    $subnavClass = '';
    // Overcome single use limitation on functions
    global $MakeMap_Defined;
    if (!isset ($MakeMap_Defined)) {
    	function filterHidden($var) {
    		return (!$var['hidemenu']==1);
    	function filterEmpty($var) {
    	    return (!empty($var));
    	function MakeMap($modx, $listParent, $listLevel, $description, $titleOfLinks, $maxLevels, $inside, $pre, $post, $selfAsLink, $ie, $activeLinkIDs, $topdiv, $topdivClass, $topnavClass, $subdiv, $subdivClass, $subnavClass, $hereClass, $useCategoryFolders, $categoryClass, $showDescription, $descriptionField, $textOfLinks, $orderBy, $orderDesc, $prehere, $posthere, $currentItem, $currentItemClass, $activeTreeOnly, $debugMode) {
    		// Added by Remon. Define this variable _here_ ;-)
    		$output = '';
    		$children = $modx->getActiveChildren($listParent, $orderBy, (!$orderDesc) ? 'ASC' : 'DESC', 'id, pagetitle, description, isfolder, parent, alias, longtitle, menutitle, hidemenu, introtext, content_dispo, contentType, type, template');
    		// filter out the content that is set to be hidden from menu snippets
    		$children = array_filter($children, "filterHidden");
    		$numChildren = count($children);
    		if (is_array($children) && !empty($children)) {
    			// determine if it's a top category or not
    			$toplevel = !$inside;
    			// build the output
    			$topdivcls = (!empty($topdivClass)) ? ' class="'.$topdivClass.'"' : '';
    			$topdivblk = ($topdiv) ? "<div$topdivcls>" : '';
    			$topnavcls = (!empty($topnavClass)) ? ' class="'.$topnavClass.'"' : '';
    			$subdivcls = (!empty($subdivClass)) ? ' class="'.$subdivClass.'"' : '';
    			$subdivblk = ($subdiv) ? "<div$subdivcls>$ie" : '';
    			$subnavcls = (!empty($subnavClass)) ? ' class="'.$subnavClass.'"' : '';
    			$output = ($toplevel) ? "$topdivblk<ul$topnavcls>$ie" : "$ie$subdivblk<ul$subnavcls>$ie";
    			//loop through and process subchildren
    			foreach ($children as $child) {
    				// figure out if it's a containing category folder or not 
    				$numChildren --;
    				$isFolder = $child['isfolder'];
    			    $itsEmpty = ($isFolder && ($child['template'] == '0'));
    				$itm = "";
                    // if menutitle is blank fall back to pagetitle for menu link
                    $textOfLinks = (empty($child['menutitle'])) ? 'pagetitle' : "$textOfLinks"; 
    		$childOfTextOfLinks = $child[$textOfLinks];
    		if($child['id'] == $modx->documentIdentifier){
    			$childOfTextOfLinks = $prehere.$childOfTextOfLinks.$posthere;
    			    // If at the top level
    				if (!$inside) 
    					$itm .= ((!$selfAsLink && ($child['id'] == $modx->documentIdentifier)) || ($itsEmpty && $useCategoryFolders)) ? 
    					        $pre.$childOfTextOfLinks.$post . (($debugMode) ? ' self|cat' : '') : 
    					        '<a href="[~'.$child['id'].'~]" title="'.$child[$titleOfLinks].'">'.$pre.$childOfTextOfLinks.$post.'</a>';
    					$itm .= ($debugMode) ? ' top' : '';
    				// it's a folder and it's below the top level
    				elseif ($isFolder && $inside) 
    				    if($itsEmpty && $useCategoryFolders){
    						$itm .= $pre.$childOfTextOfLinks.$post . (($debugMode) ? 'subfolder T': '');
    						$itm .= ($child['alias'] > '0' && !$selfAsLink && ($child['id'] == $modx->documentIdentifier)) ? $childOfTextOfLinks : '<a href="[~'.$child['id'].'~]" title="'.$child[$titleOfLinks].'">'.$childOfTextOfLinks.'</a>';
    				// it's a document inside a folder
    					$itm .= ($child['alias'] > '0' && !$selfAsLink && ($child['id'] == $modx->documentIdentifier)) ? $childOfTextOfLinks : '<a href="[~'.$child['id'].'~]" title="'.$child[$titleOfLinks].'">'.$childOfTextOfLinks.'</a>';
    					$itm .= ($debugMode) ? ' doc' : '';
    				$itm .= ($debugMode)? "$useCategoryFolders $isFolder $itsEmpty" : '';
    	        // BEGIN HACK: activeTreeOnly
    	        // loop back through if the doc is a folder and has not reached the max levels
    	        if ($isFolder && (($maxLevels == 0) || ($maxLevels > $listLevel +1))) {
    	          // activeTreeOnly TRUE
    	          if ($activeTreeOnly)
    	          	$makeMapYes = FALSE;
    	            if (is_array($activeLinkIDs))
    	              if ($child['id'] == $modx->documentIdentifier || in_array($child['id'], $activeLinkIDs)) 
    	              	$makeMapYes = TRUE;
    	          // activeTreeOnly FALSE or child is in active tree
    	          if (!$activeTreeOnly || $makeMapYes || ($activeTreeOnly && $itsEmpty))
    	            $itm .= MakeMap($modx, $child['id'], $listLevel +1, $description, $titleOfLinks, $maxLevels, true, $pre, $post, $selfAsLink, $ie, $activeLinkIDs, $topdiv, $topdivClass, $topnavClass, $subdiv, $subdivClass, $subnavClass, $hereClass, $useCategoryFolders, $categoryClass, $showDescription, $descriptionField, $textOfLinks, $orderBy, $orderDesc, $prehere, $posthere, $currentItem, $currentItemClass, $activeTreeOnly, $debugMode);
    	        // END HACK: activeTreeOnly
    				if ($itm && ($child['id'] == $modx->documentIdentifier)) {
    					$output .= "    <li class=\"$hereClass" . ($currentItem ? ' '.$currentItemClass : '') . ($numChildren == 0 ? ' last' : '')."\">$itm</li>$ie";
    				elseif ($itm) {
    					// Added by Remon
    					// define it here:
    					$class = '';
    					if ($numChildren == 0) {
    						$class = 'last';
    					if (is_array($activeLinkIDs)) {
    						if (in_array($child['id'], $activeLinkIDs)) {
    							$class .= ($class ? ' ' : '').$hereClass;
    					// it's an empty folder and using Category Folders
    					if ($useCategoryFolders && $itsEmpty) {
    						$class .= ($class ? ' ' : '').$categoryClass;
    					if ($class) {
    						$class = ' class="'.$class.'"';
    					// TO DO: set description to the first non-empty of an array of options
    					if ($showDescription && (!empty($child['$descriptionField']))) {
    					    $desc = " – ".$child['$descriptionField'];
    					} elseif ($showDescription && (!empty($child['description']))) {
    					    $desc = ' – ' . $child['description'];
    					} elseif ($showDescription && (!empty($child['introtext']))) {
    					    $desc = ' – ' . $child['introtext'];
    					} elseif ($showDescription && (!empty($child['longtitle']))) {
    					    $desc = ' – ' . $child['longtitle'];
    					} else {
    					    $desc = '';
    					$output .= "<li$class>$itm$desc</li>$ie";
    					$class = '';
    			$output .= "</ul>$ie";
    			$output .= ($toplevel) ? (($topdiv) ? "</div>$ie" : "") : (($subdiv) ? "</div>$ie" : "");
    		return $output;
    	$MakeMap_Defined = true;
    $currentID = $modx->documentIdentifier;
    $parentID = $currentID;
    // find the parent docs of the current "you-are-here" doc
    // used in the logic to mark parents as such also
    while ($parentID != $siteMapRoot && $parentID != 0) {
    	$parent = $modx->getParent($parentID, 0);
    	if ($parent) {
    		$parentID = $parent['id'];
    		$activeLinkIDs[] = $parentID;
    	} else {
    		$parentID = 0;
    if ($phMode) {
        // output to a [+placeholder+]
        $modx->setPlaceholder($phName, MakeMap($modx, $siteMapRoot, 0, $showDescription, $titleOfLinks, $maxLevels, false, $pre, $post, $selfAsLink, $ie, $activeLinkIDs, $topdiv, $topdivClass, $topnavClass, $subdiv, $subdivClass, $subnavClass, $hereClass, $useCategoryFolders, $categoryClass, $showDescription, $descriptionField, $textOfLinks, $orderBy, $orderDesc, $prehere, $posthere, $currentItem, $currentItemClass, $activeTreeOnly, $debugMode));
    } else {
        // return the output a "usual"
        return MakeMap($modx, $siteMapRoot, 0, $showDescription, $titleOfLinks, $maxLevels, false, $pre, $post, $selfAsLink, $ie, $activeLinkIDs, $topdiv, $topdivClass, $topnavClass, $subdiv, $subdivClass, $subnavClass, $hereClass, $useCategoryFolders, $categoryClass, $showDescription, $descriptionField, $textOfLinks, $orderBy, $orderDesc, $prehere, $posthere, $currentItem, $currentItemClass, $activeTreeOnly, $debugMode);
      • 6726
      • 7,075 Posts
      Thanks Cino, I’ll try this out ! Edit : It works thanks very much Cino grin

      Edit 2 : I have a few problems with children elements if I don’t use the ActiveTreeOnly hack, only the first one appears... I’ll wait for your explanations
        .: COO - Commerce Guys - Community Driven Innovation :.

        MODx est l&#39;outil id
        • 5338
        • 35 Posts
        would you make me see the page and show me the calling row , please?
          • 6726
          • 7,075 Posts
          Ok here it is :

          And here is the call :

          [!DropMenu? &startDoc=`0` &levelLimit=`3` &textOfLinks=`menutitle` &selfAsLink=`true` &hereClass=`actif` &topnavClass=`niveau1` &subnavClass=`niveau2` &useCategoryFolders=`false` &activeTreeOnly=`false`!]

          I’ve tried several combinations, but I fail to achieve what I want. Since activeTreeOnly does not set to false, I even tried to remove the activeTreeOnly hack but then things revert to what they were before, the parent folder is not set with an Here class. So I kept the original snippet you posted.

          I have tried to use currentItem parameter but didn’t make it work either...
            .: COO - Commerce Guys - Community Driven Innovation :.

            MODx est l&#39;outil id
            • 5338
            • 35 Posts
            I’m sorry David but I can’t answer right because I can’t work on that, now. I’ll see at the code later.
            And as a matter of facts I never tested it with &selfAsLink=`true` option or &activeTreeOnly=`false`. If I had done it I would released it grin

            If I understand well, you need all the trees because of your hover submenus (so you don’t want activeTreeOnly), but if you put it to false the snippet write just the first child. Is that correct?

            Is anything different if you turn off selfAsLink?

            As a quick look at the source I posted, I’m pretty sure the error must be in the condition in the following piece of code:
            	          // activeTreeOnly FALSE or child is in active tree
            	          if (!$activeTreeOnly || $makeMapYes || ($activeTreeOnly && $itsEmpty))
            	            $itm .= MakeMap($modx, $child['id'], $listLevel +1, $description, $titleOfLinks, $maxLevels, true, $pre, $post, $selfAsLink, $ie, $activeLinkIDs, $topdiv, $topdivClass, $topnavClass, $subdiv, $subdivClass, $subnavClass, $hereClass, $useCategoryFolders, $categoryClass, $showDescription, $descriptionField, $textOfLinks, $orderBy, $orderDesc, $prehere, $posthere, $currentItem, $currentItemClass, $activeTreeOnly, $debugMode);

            If you want to erase activeTreeOnly hack you must delete everithing from BEGIN HACK to END HACK comments except the above piece of code, changing the condition as the original (I think it was just if($makeMapYes)).

            I can’t try it now, but if you can, let me know.
              • 6726
              • 7,075 Posts
              Thanks a lot Cino, I’ll try that and report to you !

              Again, thanks for your time smiley

              Edit : Finally I reverted to the official DropMenu, after applying Susan’s fix everything works as expected grin The problem was line 259 with the selfAsLink parameter...
                .: COO - Commerce Guys - Community Driven Innovation :.

                MODx est l&#39;outil id
                • 5338
                • 35 Posts
                This is my latest revision. There was a bug when you tried to set &activeTreeOnly to false. Now it defaults to false, so if you want hide all trees but the current one, just set it to true, otherwise don’t set it at all (if you try to set it to false, it won’t work).

                // ###########################################
                // DropMenu ver. G1                          #
                // ###########################################
                // Configurable menu / navigation builder using UL tags
                // Offers optional DIV wrappers for top level and nested menus (useful for hover zones)
                // as well as configurable classes for the DIV, UL, and LI elements.  It even
                // marks ancestors of and the current element with a hereClass (indicating you are here 
                // and in this area of the site).  Also applies .last CSS class to final LI in each UL.
                // Developed by Vertexworks.com and Opengeek.com
                // Feel free to use if you keep this header and credits in place
                // Inspired by List Site Map by Jaredc, SimpleList by Bravado, 
                // and ListMenuX by OpenGeek
                // Corrected and modified By dev3.net
                // Configuration parameters:
                // &menuName        - name of a placeholder for placing the output in the layout
                // &topnavClass     - CSS class for styling the class assigned to the outermost UL
                // TO DO: configuration parameters above, more usage examples, CSS examples, output indenting
                // ###########################################
                // Usage Examples                            #
                // ###########################################
                // Creates menu with wrapping DIV with id=myMenu, starting at the site root, two levels deep,
                // with descriptions next to the links, and nested UL elements with class=nestedLinks; output
                // of menu can be placed in layout using placeholder named myMenu ( e.g. [ +myMenu+ ] )
                // [[DropMenu? &menuName=`myMenu` &startDoc=`0` &levelLimit=`2` &topdiv=`true` &showDescription=`true` &subnavClass=`nestedLinks`]]
                // Creates topMenu from site root, including only 1 level, with class=topMenubar applied to the top level UL
                // and class=activeLink applied to current page LI
                // [[DropMenu? &menuName=`topMenu` &startDoc=`0` &levelLimit=`1` &topnavClass=`topMenubar` &here=`activeLink`]]
                // Creates dropmenu 3 levels deep, with DIV wrappers around all nested lists styled with class=hoverZone
                // and currentPage LI styled with class=currentPage
                // [[DropMenu? &levelLimit=3 &subdiv=true &subdivClass=hoverZone &subnavClass=menuZone &here=currentPage]]
                // Creates dropmenu of infinite levels, ordered by menutitle in descending order
                // [[DropMenu?orderBy=menutitle&orderDesc=true]]
                // ###########################################
                // Configuration parameters                  #
                // ###########################################
                // $phMode [ true | false ]
                // Whether you want it to output a [+placeholder+] or simply return the output.
                // Defaults to false.
                $phMode = false;
                // $menuName [ string ]
                // Sets the name of the menu, placeholder, and top level DIV id (if topdiv 
                // option is true). Set to "dropmenu" by default.
                $phName = (!isset($phName)) ? 'dropmenu' : "$phName";
                // $siteMapRoot [int]
                // The parent ID of your root. Default 0. Can be set in 
                // snippet call with startDoc (to doc id 10 for example):
                // [[DropMenu?startDoc=10]]
                $siteMapRoot = 0;
                // $removeNewLines [ true | false ]
                // If you want new lines removed from code, set to true. This is generally
                // better for IE when lists are styled vertically. 
                $removeNewLines = (!isset($removeNewLines)) ? false : ($removeNewLines==true);
                // $maxLevels [ int ]
                // Maximum number of levels to include. The default 0 will allow all
                // levels. Also settable with snippet variable levelLimit:
                // [[DropMenu?levelLimit=2]]
                $maxLevels = 0;
                // $textOfLinks [ string ]
                // What database field do you want the actual link text to be?
                // The default is pagetitle because it is always a valid (not empty)
                // value, but if you prefer it can be any of the following:
                // menutitle, id, pagetitle, description, parent, alias, longtitle, introtext
                // TO DO: set text to be first non-empty of an array of options
                $textOfLinks = (!isset($textOfLinks)) ? 'menutitle' : "$textOfLinks";
                // $titleOfLinks [ string ]
                // What database field do you want the title of your links to be?
                // The default is pagetitle because it is always a valid (not empty)
                // value, but if you prefer it can be any of the following:
                // menutitle, id, pagetitle, description, parent, alias, longtitle, introtext
                $titleOfLinks = (!isset($titleOfLinks)) ? 'description' : "$titleOfLinks";
                // $pre [ string ]
                // Text to append before links inside of LIs
                $pre = (!isset($pre)) ? '' : "$pre";
                // $post [ string ]
                // Text to append before links inside of LIs
                $post = (!isset($post)) ? '' : "$post";
                // $selfAsLink [ true | false ]
                // Define if the current page should be a link (true) or not (false)
                $selfAsLink = (!isset($selfAsLink)) ? false : ($selfAsLink==true);
                // $hereClass [ string ]
                // CSS Class for LI and A when they are the currently selected page, as well
                // as any ancestors of the current page (YOU ARE HERE)
                $hereClass = (!isset($hereClass)) ? 'here' : $hereClass;
                // $showDescription [true | false]
                // Specify if you would like to include the description
                // with the page title link.
                $showDescription = (!isset($showDescription)) ? false : ($showDescription==true);
                // $descriptionField [ string ]
                // What database field do you want the description to be?
                // The default is description. If you specify a field, it will attempt to use it
                // first then fall back until it finds a non-empty field in description, introtext,
                // then longtitle so it really tries not be empty. It can be any of the following:
                // menutitle, id, pagetitle, description, parent, alias, longtitle, introtext
                // TO DO: set description to the first non-empty of an array of options
                $descriptionField = (!isset($descriptionField)) ? 'description' : "$descriptionField";
                // $topdiv [ true | false ]
                // Indicates if the top level UL is wrapped by a containing DIV block
                $topdiv = (!isset($topdiv)) ? false : ($topdiv==true);
                // $topdivClass [ string ]
                // CSS Class for DIV wrapping top level UL
                $topdivClass = (!isset($topdivClass)) ? 'topdiv' : "$topdivClass";
                // $topnavClass [ string ]
                // CSS Class for the top-level (root) UL
                $topnavClass = (!isset($topnavClass)) ? 'topnav' : "$topnavClass";
                // $useCategoryFolders [ true | false ]
                // If you want folders without any content to render without a link to be used
                // as "category" pages (defaults to true). In order to use Category Folders, 
                // the template must be set to (blank) or it won't work properly.
                $useCategoryFolders = (!isset($useCategoryFolders)) ? true : "$useCategoryFolders";
                // $categoryClass [ string ]
                // CSS Class for folders with no content (e.g., category folders)
                $categoryClass = (!isset($categoryClass)) ? 'category' : "$categoryClass";
                // $subdiv [ true | false ]
                // Indicates if nested UL's should be wrapped by containing DIV blocks
                // This is useful for creating "hover zones" 
                // (see http://positioniseverything.net/css-dropdowns.html for a demo)
                // TO CONSIDER: Setting a subdiv class at all turns on hover DIVs?
                $subdiv = (!isset($subdiv)) ? false : ($subdiv==true);
                // $subdivClass [ string ]
                // CSS Class for DIV blocks wrapping nested UL elements
                $subdivClass = (!isset($subdivClass)) ? 'subdiv' : "$subdivClass";
                // $orderBy [ string ]
                // Document field to sort menu by
                $orderBy = (!isset($orderBy)) ? 'menuindex' : "$orderBy";
                // $orderDesc [true | false]
                // Order results in descending order?  default is false
                $orderDesc = (!isset($orderDesc)) ? false : ($orderDesc==true);
                // $currentSpan [ string ]
                // Current item Span Id - default is id_here
                $currentSpan = (!isset($currentSpan)) ? 'id_here' : "$currentSpan";
                // $currentItem [ true | false ]
                // Should show current item class? default is true
                $currentItem = (!isset($currentItem)) ? true : "$currentItem";
                // $currentItemClass [ string ]
                // Current item class - default is 'current_item'
                $currentItemClass = (!isset($currentItemClass)) ? 'current_item' : "$currentItemClass";
                // $activeTreeOnly [ true | false ] - default is false (if you want it false just don't set it)
                // Define if the menutree should show all menuitems or only those in active menutree branch
                $activeTreeOnly = (!isset($activeTreeOnly)) ? false : ($activeTreeOnly==true);
                // ###########################################
                // End config, the rest takes care of itself #
                // ###########################################
                // Current item wrapper (opening tag)?  default is <span id=...>
                $prehere = ($currentSpan!='') ? "<span id=\"$currentSpan\">" : '';
                // Current item wrapper (closing tag)?  default is </span>
                $posthere = ($currentSpan!='') ? '</span>' : '';
                $debugMode = false;
                // Initialize
                $MakeMap = "";
                $siteMapRoot = (isset($startDoc)) ? $startDoc : $siteMapRoot;
                $maxLevels = (isset($levelLimit)) ? $levelLimit : $maxLevels;
                $ie = ($removeNewLines) ? '' : "\n";
                //Added by Remon: (undefined variables php notice)
                $activeLinkIDs = array();
                $subnavClass = '';
                // Overcome single use limitation on functions
                global $MakeMap_Defined;
                if (!isset ($MakeMap_Defined)) {
                	function filterHidden($var) {
                		return (!$var['hidemenu']==1);
                	function filterEmpty($var) {
                	    return (!empty($var));
                	function MakeMap($modx, $listParent, $listLevel, $description, $titleOfLinks, $maxLevels, $inside, $pre, $post, $selfAsLink, $ie, $activeLinkIDs, $topdiv, $topdivClass, $topnavClass, $subdiv, $subdivClass, $subnavClass, $hereClass, $useCategoryFolders, $categoryClass, $showDescription, $descriptionField, $textOfLinks, $orderBy, $orderDesc, $prehere, $posthere, $currentItem, $currentItemClass, $activeTreeOnly, $debugMode) {
                		// Added by Remon. Define this variable _here_ ;-)
                		$output = '';
                		$children = $modx->getActiveChildren($listParent, $orderBy, (!$orderDesc) ? 'ASC' : 'DESC', 'id, pagetitle, description, isfolder, parent, alias, longtitle, menutitle, hidemenu, introtext, content_dispo, contentType, type, template');
                		// filter out the content that is set to be hidden from menu snippets
                		$children = array_filter($children, "filterHidden");
                		$numChildren = count($children);
                		if (is_array($children) && !empty($children)) {
                			// determine if it's a top category or not
                			$toplevel = !$inside;
                			// build the output
                			$topdivcls = (!empty($topdivClass)) ? ' class="'.$topdivClass.'"' : '';
                			$topdivblk = ($topdiv) ? "<div$topdivcls>" : '';
                			$topnavcls = (!empty($topnavClass)) ? ' class="'.$topnavClass.'"' : '';
                			$subdivcls = (!empty($subdivClass)) ? ' class="'.$subdivClass.'"' : '';
                			$subdivblk = ($subdiv) ? "<div$subdivcls>$ie" : '';
                			$subnavcls = (!empty($subnavClass)) ? ' class="'.$subnavClass.'"' : '';
                			$output = ($toplevel) ? "$topdivblk<ul$topnavcls>$ie" : "$ie$subdivblk<ul$subnavcls>$ie";
                			//loop through and process subchildren
                			foreach ($children as $child) {
                				// figure out if it's a containing category folder or not 
                				$numChildren --;
                				$isFolder = $child['isfolder'];
                			    $itsEmpty = ($isFolder && ($child['template'] == '0'));
                				$itm = "";
                                // if menutitle is blank fall back to pagetitle for menu link
                                $textOfLinks = (empty($child['menutitle'])) ? 'pagetitle' : "$textOfLinks"; 
                		$childOfTextOfLinks = $child[$textOfLinks];
                		if($child['id'] == $modx->documentIdentifier){
                			$childOfTextOfLinks = $prehere.$childOfTextOfLinks.$posthere;
                			    // If at the top level
                				if (!$inside) 
                					$itm .= ((!$selfAsLink && ($child['id'] == $modx->documentIdentifier)) || ($itsEmpty && $useCategoryFolders)) ? 
                					        $pre.$childOfTextOfLinks.$post . (($debugMode) ? ' self|cat' : '') : 
                					        '<a href="[~'.$child['id'].'~]" title="'.$child[$titleOfLinks].'">'.$pre.$childOfTextOfLinks.$post.'</a>';
                					$itm .= ($debugMode) ? ' top' : '';
                				// it's a folder and it's below the top level
                				elseif ($isFolder && $inside) 
                				    if($itsEmpty && $useCategoryFolders){
                						$itm .= $pre.$childOfTextOfLinks.$post . (($debugMode) ? 'subfolder T': '');
                						$itm .= ($child['alias'] > '0' && !$selfAsLink && ($child['id'] == $modx->documentIdentifier)) ? $childOfTextOfLinks : '<a href="[~'.$child['id'].'~]" title="'.$child[$titleOfLinks].'">'.$childOfTextOfLinks.'</a>';
                				// it's a document inside a folder
                					$itm .= ($child['alias'] > '0' && !$selfAsLink && ($child['id'] == $modx->documentIdentifier)) ? $childOfTextOfLinks : '<a href="[~'.$child['id'].'~]" title="'.$child[$titleOfLinks].'">'.$childOfTextOfLinks.'</a>';
                					$itm .= ($debugMode) ? ' doc' : '';
                				$itm .= ($debugMode)? "$useCategoryFolders $isFolder $itsEmpty" : '';
                	        // BEGIN HACK: activeTreeOnly
                	        // loop back through if the doc is a folder and has not reached the max levels
                	        if ($isFolder && (($maxLevels == 0) || ($maxLevels > $listLevel +1))) {
                	          // activeTreeOnly TRUE
                	          if ($activeTreeOnly)
                	          	$makeMapYes = FALSE;
                	            if (is_array($activeLinkIDs))
                	              if ($child['id'] == $modx->documentIdentifier || in_array($child['id'], $activeLinkIDs)) 
                	              	$makeMapYes = TRUE;
                		// activeTreeOnly FALSE or child is in active tree
                	          if ((!$activeTreeOnly) || $makeMapYes || ($activeTreeOnly && $itsEmpty))
                	            $itm .= MakeMap($modx, $child['id'], $listLevel +1, $description, $titleOfLinks, $maxLevels, true, $pre, $post, $selfAsLink, $ie, $activeLinkIDs, $topdiv, $topdivClass, $topnavClass, $subdiv, $subdivClass, $subnavClass, $hereClass, $useCategoryFolders, $categoryClass, $showDescription, $descriptionField, $textOfLinks, $orderBy, $orderDesc, $prehere, $posthere, $currentItem, $currentItemClass, $activeTreeOnly, $debugMode);
                	        // END HACK: activeTreeOnly
                				if ($itm && ($child['id'] == $modx->documentIdentifier)) {
                					$output .= "    <li class=\"$hereClass" . ($currentItem ? ' '.$currentItemClass : '') . ($numChildren == 0 ? ' last' : '')."\">$itm</li>$ie";
                				elseif ($itm) {
                					// Added by Remon
                					// define it here:
                					$class = '';
                					if ($numChildren == 0) {
                						$class = 'last';
                					if (is_array($activeLinkIDs)) {
                						if (in_array($child['id'], $activeLinkIDs)) {
                							$class .= ($class ? ' ' : '').$hereClass;
                					// it's an empty folder and using Category Folders
                					if ($useCategoryFolders && $itsEmpty) {
                						$class .= ($class ? ' ' : '').$categoryClass;
                					if ($class) {
                						$class = ' class="'.$class.'"';
                					// TO DO: set description to the first non-empty of an array of options
                					if ($showDescription && (!empty($child['$descriptionField']))) {
                					    $desc = " – ".$child['$descriptionField'];
                					} elseif ($showDescription && (!empty($child['description']))) {
                					    $desc = ' – ' . $child['description'];
                					} elseif ($showDescription && (!empty($child['introtext']))) {
                					    $desc = ' – ' . $child['introtext'];
                					} elseif ($showDescription && (!empty($child['longtitle']))) {
                					    $desc = ' – ' . $child['longtitle'];
                					} else {
                					    $desc = '';
                					$output .= "<li$class>$itm$desc</li>$ie";
                					$class = '';
                			$output .= "</ul>$ie";
                			$output .= ($toplevel) ? (($topdiv) ? "</div>$ie" : "") : (($subdiv) ? "</div>$ie" : "");
                		return $output;
                	$MakeMap_Defined = true;
                $currentID = $modx->documentIdentifier;
                $parentID = $currentID;
                // find the parent docs of the current "you-are-here" doc
                // used in the logic to mark parents as such also
                while ($parentID != $siteMapRoot && $parentID != 0) {
                	$parent = $modx->getParent($parentID, 0);
                	if ($parent) {
                		$parentID = $parent['id'];
                		$activeLinkIDs[] = $parentID;
                	} else {
                		$parentID = 0;
                if ($phMode) {
                    // output to a [+placeholder+]
                    $modx->setPlaceholder($phName, MakeMap($modx, $siteMapRoot, 0, $showDescription, $titleOfLinks, $maxLevels, false, $pre, $post, $selfAsLink, $ie, $activeLinkIDs, $topdiv, $topdivClass, $topnavClass, $subdiv, $subdivClass, $subnavClass, $hereClass, $useCategoryFolders, $categoryClass, $showDescription, $descriptionField, $textOfLinks, $orderBy, $orderDesc, $prehere, $posthere, $currentItem, $currentItemClass, $activeTreeOnly, $debugMode));
                } else {
                    // return the output a "usual"
                    return MakeMap($modx, $siteMapRoot, 0, $showDescription, $titleOfLinks, $maxLevels, false, $pre, $post, $selfAsLink, $ie, $activeLinkIDs, $topdiv, $topdivClass, $topnavClass, $subdiv, $subdivClass, $subnavClass, $hereClass, $useCategoryFolders, $categoryClass, $showDescription, $descriptionField, $textOfLinks, $orderBy, $orderDesc, $prehere, $posthere, $currentItem, $currentItemClass, $activeTreeOnly, $debugMode);

                Edited: for a few minutes a parenthesis was missing. Now code is ok.
                  • 6726
                  • 7,075 Posts
                  Great, I’ll test that out !
                    .: COO - Commerce Guys - Community Driven Innovation :.

                    MODx est l&#39;outil id