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    • 6789
    • 11 Posts
    &excludeDocs does not seem to be working correctly between my top and MAIN Menus. I cannot seem to get rid of my Company Profile, ID # 7 in the MAIN menu(ajaxmenu). Do I have the syntax correct? Basically, the top menu is for home, company profile, contact, etc and the MAIN menu lists the Services.

      <div id="topmenu">    [[Wayfinder? &startId=`0`&level=`3` &excludeDocs=`8,10,12` &hideSubMenus=`TRUE`]]</div>  


      <div id="ajaxmenu"> [[Wayfinder?startId=`0` &level=`1` &excludeDocs='5,7'  &outerTpl=`mh.OuterTpl` &innerTpl=`mh.InnerTpl` &rowTpl=`mh.RowTpl` &innerRowTpl=`mh.InnerRowTpl` &firstClass=`first` &hereClass=``]] </div>

      • 4310
      • 2,310 Posts
      You seem to have single quotes instead of back ticks
        • 6789
        • 11 Posts
        You are absolutely correct. Thanks!!
          • 4310
          • 2,310 Posts
          You are absolutely correct.
          There’s a first time for everything grin
            • 46118
            • 3 Posts
            I have ID=0,1,2,3,4
            [[!Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &level=`0` &sortOrder=`DESC` &excludeDocs=`1`]]

            displays a menu ID=1,2,3,4

            [[!Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &level=`0` &sortOrder=`DESC` &excludeDocs=`0`]]

            displays a menu ID=0,1,2,3,4

            [[!Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &level=`0` &sortOrder=`DESC` &excludeDocs=`2`]]

            displays a menu ID=0,1,3,4

            I want to display ID=0,2,3,4

            Wayfinder 2.3.3
            • There is no resource #0. Used in the &startId property, it acts as a virtual resource, and indicates using the top-level row of the Tree. The first actual resource can be no lower than #1.
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                • 46118
                • 3 Posts
                Thanks now is ok. [ed. note: kuznets last edited this post 10 years, 1 month ago.]
                • The menu index and document id of your resources are not related in any way.

                  Order the resources in the order that you want them to display in the resource tree. You can simply drag and drop them in the tree. You don't have to set menu index on the resource at all actually.

                  Use &excludeDocs=`id` in your Wayfinder call with "id" being the document id of the resource you want to exclude.
                    Frogabog- MODX Websites in Portland Oregon
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