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    Gettings ModXperts,
    I’ve been digging through the forums now for a while and can’t seem to find documentation of this issue so figured I would bring it up.

    My Site structure looks like this:
    --About Us (Category)
    ----SubPage N
    --Products (Category)

    I would like breadcrumbs to output this for the ’Intro’ page above:
    Home >> SubPage1 >> Intro

    So I figured I would just &stopID or &ignoreId the language file and the category folder and I would be golden. However, when I do this nothing shows up whatsoever. Which files need the stopID to output the above?

    Another solution I saw was to use wayfinder for my crumbs. I tried this by setting my start ID to the language folder (therefore disincluding that from crumbs) but I can’t get it no ignore my subpages! Is there a call in WayFinder for this? To make matters more confusing, I have all those subpages set to category’s (rel="category", template=blank) for my navigation to function. What would be EXCELLENT is if in the crumbs I could still have it display these names (About Us, etc...) but not be a link (it just links to a blank page now). I tried using the CategoryTpl like I do in my main navigation but it won’t read that when I have config set to breadcrumbs. I tried just putting in [

    Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.