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    • 2166
    • 8 Posts
    Hi friends,

    I know how to use viewport widget in order to integrate external content in my pages (the viewport widget is generating the IFRAME code for me). Nice.

    My problem is that I want all the external links referring to a specified domain (let’s say www.externaldomain.com), get their content display in a viewport widget.

    To be more specific, I need my documents to have all their external links open in the same window (_target=self) but into a viewport.

    Kind a like, on DocumentRenderEvent (or some like) having all the

    <a href="www.externaldomain.com/page1.html">

    transformed into something like :

    <a href="putinframe.php?www.externaldomain.com/page1.html">

    but in that case I need the putinframe.php being templated like any other page.

    So in fact, it seems that I have two options here :

    1.Find a way to make the external domain links being opened in a dedicated viewport widget, when links are cliked.

    2.having a script, like putinframe.php, that will generate a page that use current template (for easy integration/appearence reason) and put "www.externaldomain.com/page1.html" in a <IFRAME> block. My pb in this case is to have a sample of minimum php with all required includes in order to get all design and modx capabilities into this generated page.

    Thank you for any help friends.
    Best regards.
      • 2166
      • 8 Posts
      Ok guys,

      after 6 days full search non-stop I succeed to do exactly what I wanted.

      Thank you anyway.
      • Can you share what you did to make this work?
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          • 2166
          • 8 Posts
          Hi Susan,

          i will. As soon as I finished and released a module I’m working on.
          Also, I’m trying to make a good documentation about the way I implemented the external links in viewport stuff.
