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    • 38189
    • 31 Posts
    I left to Evo for the mean time since this hasn't gotten support and I don't understand how there isn't one (css star rating) with ajax, yet their is an evo version that has ajax already implemented. I know it's just one working on it but *shrugs* the last msg here was 3 months ago.
      • 15558
      • 108 Posts
      Hi there,

      I'm using 2.0 rc1 and there's something that I don't understand :

      I created a text TV called tvRating, which has access to the right model.

      Here's my call :
      [[!starRating? &starId=`[[*id]]` &tvName=`tvRating` &starTpl=`ratingTpl` &maxStars=`10` &imgWidth=`28`]] 

      I thought i would be able to output the rate as text, by asking for
      in my template.

      But what I can note is that there's no mention of 'tvName' in the package files, it seems that this parameter ceased to be used...

      am I right ? Can someone enlighten me ?
        Sorry for that ⇧ , I'm no dev but I wanna try
        • 19328
        • 433 Posts
        For anyone interested: I wanted to change the colour and design of the stars (the alt_star.gif file), so I've created a Photoshop template. In the template you'll find the 3 stars. You only have to change the colour and/or add a smooth gradient. Or you can also use the template to create your own shape. Remember to stay inside the supplied guides! Save it as alt_star.gif (transparent, it you like, but it's not necessary) and upload it to assets/components/star_rating/themes/default

        Have fun.


        Will look like this, for example:

        Photoshop template is created in Photoshop CS5.

          • 38462
          • 39 Posts
          Thanks michelle84

          PSD file is great - worked a treat.
            • 33238
            • 388 Posts
            Lack of documentation about starRating...

            Anyone knows where to find propper documentation?

            thank you!
              • 30303
              • 25 Posts
              Quote from: michelle84 at Dec 02, 2012, 04:21 PM
              For anyone interested: I wanted to change the colour and design of the stars (the alt_star.gif file), so I've created a Photoshop template. In the template you'll find the 3 stars. You only have to change the colour and/or add a smooth gradient. Or you can also use the template to create your own shape. Remember to stay inside the supplied guides! Save it as alt_star.gif (transparent, it you like, but it's not necessary) and upload it to assets/components/star_rating/themes/default

              Have fun.


              Will look like this, for example:

              Photoshop template is created in Photoshop CS5.

              Tnx smiley
                If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem.
                J Krishnamurti
                • 42560
                • 49 Posts
                is there any way to avoid refreshing the page when voting? And how do i change the text Votes: to spanish? :/ [ed. note: jacielluve last edited this post 6 years, 7 months ago.]