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    • 3493
    • 66 Posts
    Hello everybody! Hows the weekend treating you all?

    I just got an idea for one of my projects, but when I tried it out it didn’t really work...

    Here’s the deal. I want to change the name of the manager folder to richard, so instead of logging into the administration panel through www.domainname.com/manager, Richard would go through www.domainname.com/richard instad.
    Don’t ask why though, it’s a long story tongue

    I did a search & replace for "manager/", and replaced it with "richard/". This affected all files in the MODx installation. Now, when I uploaded the edited files onto my server and reinstalled MODx, nothing worked. All pages went blank, even the manager login. I thought oh well, I might have missed a spot during the S & R so I started from scratch (with a fresh version of MODx), but this time I replaced ALL "manager" with "richard", including all variables containing the word manager and so on... Technically, this should be working right? Well, it didn’t, and now I really don’t know what to do...

    It should have been a $managerpath that one can edit, instead of having to edit every file with the complete path in it, but hey, I don’t care, MODx is still the best CMS out there grin
    • Unfortunately, the issue is probably a bit more complicated than a search and replace, but I am very aware of the need for many of my own projects.

      I’ll try and find some time to evaluate the scope of the change to use a consistent manager path variable this weekend. I’m not sure it is even practical though without some major logic changes.
        • 16610
        • 634 Posts
        A quick and dirty resolution if you have friendly alias paths turned on:
        1. Make a new unpublished folder (name: richard) with snippet call like [[Manager]]
        2. Make a new Manager snippet with code:
        return header("Location: http://www.domainname.com/richard");
          Mikko Lammi, Owner at Maagit