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    I cannot change the width of the stars in STAR RATING

    [!star_rating?&onevote=`true` &imgWidth=`10`!]

    does not work

    Any ideas?

      • 10487 MODX Staff
      • 1,535 Posts
      Garry Nutting Reply #2, 18 years ago
      You will need to update your star_rating CSS stylesheet with the new width value as well (the stylesheet controls the main display of the snippet) - the &imgWidth parameter is used to correctly adjust the calculated width of the average vote so it displays in scale to the widths specified in the CSS.

      Look in your stylesheet for width values and replace all multiples of 25 (25px - 125px) with multiples of 10 (10px - 50px).
        Garry Nutting
        Senior Developer
        MODX, LLC

        Email: [email protected]
        Twitter: @garryn
        Web: modx.com
        • 5340
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        This information should exist someplace.

        I did not find it
          • 22303 MODX Staff
          • 10,725 Posts
          Quote from: xpix at Jan 22, 2007, 12:23 PM

          This information should exist someplace.

          I did not find it
          There’s a wiki for such things... feel free to contribute the solutions as a resource for the next inexperienced user to make use of. Otherwise, this is likely the only place that info will exist.