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    We’re in the midst of major changes here at the MODx forum. Garry (garryn) and Kyle (kylej) have created a new Repository system:

    That is the new home of module, plugin and snippet downloads.

    When an item is added there, a new thread is automatically generated in the forum Support » Repository Items Support - and the threads there will become the first place to look for support on contributions.

    However, many of the contributions were made long before the Repository system went live, and so there is still a wealth of information here in the Modules, Plugins & Snippets forum. Over time, this will be tidied up by merging some threads and linking others from the official posts.

    This tidying may take a month or more to complete. We thank you for your patience and apologise for any inconvenience caused by browsing multiple forums.
      No, I don't know what OpenGeek's saying half the time either.
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      MODx "Most Promising CMS" - so appropriate!
      • 18973
      • 61 Posts
      Very impressed with the respository system. Thanks for putting that together (all involved).

      Back to my selfish ways wink ... will the code for the respository system be made available? It could be very useful for many of my current projects.
        • 7923
        • 4,213 Posts
        Quote from: MeAlex at Jul 11, 2006, 04:23 PM

        will the code for the respository system be made available?
        I believe I remember reading somewhere, that it will be made available at some point after the bugs has been ironed out of it, etc.. but don’t hold me to that! grin

        Maybe someone with higher ranks can comment more on this..

          "He can have a lollipop any time he wants to. That's what it means to be a programmer."
          • 25663 MODX Staff
          • 12,272 Posts
          It will definitely be released. laugh
            Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
            Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
            • 696
            • 46 Posts
            Glad to hear this agreed this would be very useful with alot of my projects also.
              • 10573
              • 101 Posts
              Quote from: MeAlex at Jul 11, 2006, 04:23 PM

              will the code for the respository system be made available? It could be very useful for many of my current projects.

              Yes, I really need this (like yesterday). In the meantime, I’ve been pulling my hair out trying to add an upload form to newslisting undecided I’m such a slow learner and could use some sample code wink

              The folks I’m working with don’t want to switch to modx until they see that I can create a repository system. sad

              Thanks for your hard work guys!

              Like I said in my other post, I can help with tutorials, webcasts or template creation.
              I can also help with marketing.

              Here are a few sites I have helped create recently:
              virtugo.com (not modx)
              finpago.com (modx)
              fsaok.com (modx)
              http://w11.eleven2.com/~likhaorg/ (in dev - i did the backend with modx, someone else did the design - non-profit)
                • 28626
                • 87 Posts
                That seems like a sensible thing to do.

                May I ask a stupid question?

                I made a plugin and I would like to update it. I don’t know how to do this. I pushed it to github but it’s not showing up on the page. I also can’t remember my login except the one for the forum so how do I manage to update my plugin?
