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    • 22259
    • 2 Posts
    I’m getting some strange behavior after I installed Easy Peasy gallery. What happens is if on a page I made a call to the snippet:


    like, so - just a normal call, nothing fancy - the image gallery will appear, but it will do so with a large amount of white space above it. My biggest problem is that once I click on a picture to display, instead of displaying the picture, the page just reloads! Any ideas???
      • 22259
      • 2 Posts
      After a little bit of digging I figured both problems. The solutions were:

      1) Page reloads after clicking on picture
      - The snippet call needed to be non-cached. A call such as:


      However, doing this caused a parsing error with the page. The solution was to make the regular non-cached call, and then set the page itself in the Page Settings to non-cacheable.

      2) Large amounts of white space above gallery
      This happened because of two things -
      a) The gallery wasn’t XHTML compliant - did a quick tweak to fix this.
      b) There was a strange problem with my stylesheet code overriding the default styles provided on the div’s themselves. To solve this I just removed the styles hard-coded into the div’s - the styles in my stylesheet then worked perfectly.

      Hope that helps someone!