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    • 2376
    • 21 Posts
    but what I want to do (the picture above) can be done, right?
      • 2376
      • 21 Posts
      will using any of these allow me to stye the second menu differently?

      // $topdiv [ true | false ]
      // Indicates if the top level UL is wrapped by a containing DIV block
      $topdiv = (!isset($topdiv)) ? false : ($topdiv==true);

      // $topdivClass [ string ]
      // CSS Class for DIV wrapping top level UL
      $topdivClass = (!isset($topdivClass)) ? ’topdiv’ : "$topdivClass";

      // $topnavClass [ string ]
      // CSS Class for the top-level (root) UL
      $topnavClass = (!isset($topnavClass)) ? ’topnav’ : "$topnavClass";
      • Sure, you can set the topdiv differently on the second instance of the menu (for the submenu); that way you can use specific CSS selectors to style the elements of each menu differently, e.g.

        #dropMenu1 ul {...}
        #dropMenu1 ul li {...}
        #dropMenu1 ul li.here {...}
        #dropMenu2 ul {...}
        #dropMenu2 ul li {...}
        #dropMenu2 ul li.here {...}

        These options are there so you can approach and structure your CSS however you prefer, but it does assume some knowledge of CSS to make use of it.

        Like MODx itself, CSS can be a tricky technology to learn, but once you understand it and become comfortable using it, the results you can achieve are simple amazing.
          • 2376
          • 21 Posts
          What is the correct syntax for integrating the GEtUltimate parent and the $topdivclass?
          This is what I am using to call the menu.


          Thanks in advance.
            • 28755
            • 30 Posts
            Quote from: rthrash at Mar 02, 2006, 03:20 PM

            There’s a ton of discussion on the forums about how to use the DropMenu snippet, so it’d probably behoove you to do a quick search first as there’s so many ways to go with this. .

            interesting, i only found a few but not many tongue there’s not much informaiton at all on dropmenu how does it work for newbies
            • http://www.modxcms.com/snippet-dropmenu.html

              If you need to learn CSS, I would recommend to start with

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