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    //from etomite ShowChilds
    //You can list childrens of actual Document Folder by [[ShowChilds]]
    //or content of Documen Folder you choose by [[ShowChilds?pid=12]].
    //Change 12 to you choosed directory id.
    //Now you can add ’order’ to your list by
    //or [[ShowChilds?pid=12&order=pagetitle]]
    //Change ’pagetitle’ to choosed field of DocumentObject.
    //language text of the button cange if you want
    $textbutton = "ir...";

    if(!isset($pid) || $pid == ’’) {
    $pid = $etomite->documentIdentifier; //current document

    // list order by specified field
    if(!isset($order) || $order == ’’) $order=’menuindex’;

    // get childrens, and show some info when no childrens founds
    $children = $etomite->getActiveChildren($pid, $order);
    if($children == false) return ’<blockquote>No position to show</blockquote>’;

    // close list in div (optional, you can change it, whatever)
    $childrenCount = count($children);

    // lists all childrens as links
    for($x=0; $x<$childrenCount; $x++) {
    $menudrop .="<option value=’’ >".$children[$x][’description’]."</option>";
    $menuaction .= "’[~".$children[$x][’id’]."~]’";
    $menu .= ’<form name="form1" method="post" action=’.$menuaction.’>’;
    $menu .= ’<select name="select">’.$menudrop.’</select>’;
    $menu .= ’<input type="submit" name="sub" value=’.$textbutton.’ />’;
    $menu .= ’</form>’;

    return $menu;
      Jabiertxof (formerly XYZVISUAL)
      My bussines: http://marker.es
      • 22301
      • 1,084 Posts

      if(!isset($pid) || $pid == ’’)
      $pid = $etomite->documentIdentifier; //current document

      //current document
      $currrrent = $etomite->getDocument($pid,’pagetitle’);

      // list order by specified field
      if(!isset($order) || $order == ’’) $order=’menuindex’;

      // get childrens, and show some info when no childrens founds
      $children = $etomite->getActiveChildren($pid, $order);
      if($children == false) return ’<blockquote>No position to show</blockquote>’;

      // close list in div (optional, you can change it, whatever)
      $childrenCount = count($children);

      // lists all childrens as links
      for($x=0; $x<$childrenCount; $x++) {
      $menudrop .= "<option value=";
      $menudrop .= "’[~".$children[$x][’id’]."~]’";
      $menudrop .= ">".$children[$x][’pagetitle’]."</option>";
      $menu .= "<form name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"\">";
      $menu .= "<select name=\"select\" onChange=\"location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value\">";
      $menu .= "<OPTION value=\"0\">---<b>".$currrrent[’pagetitle’]."</b>---</OPTION>".$menudrop."</select>";
      $menu .= "</form>";

      return $menu;

        Безжалостный пияр!
        Artima -- неуч!
        Осторожно: преступная локализация -- modx-cms.ru
        Баштанник Андрей -- мегапрограммер из Белоруссии и поедатель говна, очень критично настроенный молодой человек!

        Дисклеймер для общительных: даю сам себе право транслировать в открытый эфир содержание лички, just for fun