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    here are a form to search by template filtered, it give a dropdown to select whith the description of the template
    // -----------------------
    // Snippet: FlexSearchForm
    // -----------------------
    // Version: 0.7
    // Date: 2005.02.01
    // [email protected]
    // Modded whith template filtered search and multilenguage suport and results whith introtext by xyzvisual [email protected]
    // This snippet was designed to create a search form
    // that is highly flexible in how it is presented. It
    // can be used as both a small, subtle, persistent
    // search field element, as well as present the search
    // results. All elements are branded with classes
    // for easy CSS styling.
    // CONFIGURE multislenguage simbols
    // --------------------------
    // if you need another character update this arrays
    $simbol2 = array("á","é","í","ó","ú","ñ","Á","É","Í","Ó","Ú");
    $remplace2 = array("á","é","í","ó","ú","ñ","Á","É","Í","Ó","Ú");
    ////$filter = isset($filter2) ? $filter2 : "default";

    // $searchStyle [ ’relevance’ | ’partial’ ]
    // This option allows you to decide to use a faster,
    // relevance sorted search (’relevance’) which WILL NOT
    // inlclude partial matches. Or use a slower, but
    // more inclusive search (’partial’) that will include
    // partial matches. Results will NOT be sorted based on
    // relevance.
    // This option contributed by Rich from Snappy Graffix Media to
    // allow partial matching and LIKE matching of the search term.
    // [email protected]
    $searchStyle = ’relevance’;

    // $useAllWords [ true | false ]
    // If you want only documents which contain ALL words in the
    // search string, set to true. Otherwise, the search will return
    // all pages with ONE or more of the search words (which can be
    // a LOT more pages).
    $useAllWords = true;

    // $showSearchWithResults [1 | 0]
    // If you would like to turn off the search
    // form when showing results you can set
    // this to false. Can also be set in template
    // by using the snippet variable: FSF_showForm
    // like this (1=true, 0=false):
    // [[FlexSearchForm?FSF_showForm=0]]
    $showSearchWithResults = 1;

    // $resultsPage [int]
    // The default behavior is to show the results on
    // the current page, but you may define the results
    // page any way you like. The priority is:
    // 1- snippet variable - set in page template like this:
    // [[FlexSearchForm?FSF_landing=int]]
    // where int is the page id number of the page you want
    // your results on
    // 2- querystring variable FSF_form
    // 3- variable set here
    // 4- use current page
    // This is VERY handy when you want to put the search form in
    // a discrete and/or small place on your page- like a side
    // column, but don’t want all your results to show up there!
    // Set to results page or leave 0 as default
    $resultsPage = 0;

    // $showResults [1 | 0] (as passed in snippet variable ONLY)
    // You can define whether this snippet will show the results
    // of the search with it. Do this by assigning the snippet
    // variable FSF_showResults as:
    // [[FlexSearchForm?FSF_showResults=0]]
    // This is useful in situations where you want to show the
    // search results in a different place than the search form.
    // In that type of situation, you would include two of these
    // snippets on the same page, one showing results, and one
    // showing the form.
    // Default is true.

    // $grabMax [ int ]
    // Set to the max number of records you would like on
    // each page. Set to 0 if unlimited.
    $grabMax = 10;

    // $pageLinkSeparator [ string ]
    // What you want, if anything, between your page link numbers
    $pageLinkSeparator = " | ";

    // $stripHTML [ true | false ]
    // Allow HTML characters in the search? Probably not.
    $stripHTML = true;

    // $stripEto [ true | false ]
    // Strip out snippet calls etc from the search string?
    $stripEto = true;

    // $stripSnippets [ true | false ]
    // Strip out snippet names so users will not be able to "search"
    // to see what snippets are used in your content. This is a
    // security benefit, as users will not be able to search for what pages
    // use specific snippets.
    $stripSnippets = true;

    // $xhtmlStrict [ true | false ]
    // If you want this form to validate as XHTML Strict compliance, then
    // this needs to be true, but IE has a fieldset bug that I don’t know

    // a workaround for. So you can set this to false to avoid it.
    $xhtmlStrict = false;

    // $minChars [ int ]
    // Minimum number of characters to require for a word to be valid for
    // searching. MySQL will typically NOT search for words with less than
    // 4 characters (relevance mode). If you have $useAllWords = true and
    // a three or fewer word appears in the search string, the results will
    // always be 0. Setting this drops those words from the search in THAT
    // CIRCUMSTANCE ONLY (relevance mode, useAllWords=true).
    $minChars = 4;

    // --------------------------

    // $resultsIntroFailure
    // If nothing is found for the search. You should give the user
    // some indication that the search was a failure.
    $resultsIntroFailure = ’There were no search results. Please try using more general terms to get more results.’;

    // $searchButtonText [string]
    // Label the search button what
    // you wish
    $searchButtonText = ’search’;

    // $boxText [ string ]
    // What, if anything, you want to have in the search box when the
    // form first loads. When clicked, it will disappear. This uses
    // JavaScript. If you don’t want this feature or the JavaScript,
    // just set to empty string: ’’
    $boxText = ’Enter search term(s)...’;

    // $introMessage [ string ]
    // This is the text that will show up if the person arrives
    // at the search page without having done a search first.
    // You can leave this as an empty string if you like.
    $introMessage = ’Please enter a search term to begin your search.’;

    // $resultsFoundTextSingle, $resultsFoundTextMultiple [ string patttern ]
    // The string that will tell the user how many results were found.
    // two variables will be provided at runtime:
    // %d The number of results found (integer)
    // %s The search string itself.
    $resultsFoundTextSingle = ’%d result found for "%s".’;
    $resultsFoundTextMultiple = ’%d results found for "%s".’;

    // $paginationTextSinglePage and $paginationTextMultiplePages [ string ]
    // The text that comes before the links to other pages. In this
    // example, "Result pages: " was the $paginationTextMultiplePages:
    // Result pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
    // Page numbers will only appear if there is more than one page.
    $paginationTextSinglePage = ’’;
    $paginationTextMultiplePages = ’Result pages: ’;

    // Styles
    // These styles are included in this snippet:
    // .FSF_form{}
    // .FSF_input {}
    // .FSF_submit {}
    // .FSF_SearchResults {}
    // .FSF_resultsIntroFailure{}
    // .FSF_result {}
    // .FSF_resultLink {}
    // .FSF_resultDescription {}
    // .FSF_pagination
    // .FSF_intro

    // -------------
    // End configure
    // -------------

    // establish whether to show the form or not

    $showSearchWithResults = (isset($FSF_showForm))? $FSF_showForm : $showSearchWithResults;

    // establish whether to show the results or not
    $showResults = (isset($FSF_showResults))? $FSF_showResults : true;

    // establish results page
    if (isset($FSF_landing)){ // set in snippet
    $searchAction = "[~".$FSF_landing."~]";
    } elseif ($resultsPage > 0){ // locally set
    $searchAction = "[~".$resultsPage."~]";
    } else { //otherwise
    $searchAction = "[~".$etomite->documentIdentifier."~]";

    // Set newline variable
    $newline = "\n";

    // Initialize search string
    $searchString = ’’;

    if ( isset($_POST[’search’]) || isset($_GET[’FSF_search’]) ){
    // Prefer post to get
    $searchString = (isset($_POST[’search’]))? $_POST[’search’] : urldecode($_GET[’FSF_search’]) ;
    // block sensitive search patterns
    $searchString =
    $searchString != "{{" &&
    $searchString != "[[" &&
    $searchString != "[!" &&
    $searchString != "[(" &&
    $searchString != "[~" &&
    $searchString != "[*"
    $searchString : "" ;

    // Remove dangerous tags and such

    // Strip HTML too
    if ($stripHTML){
    $searchString = strip_tags($searchString);

    // Regular expressions of things to remove from search string
    $etoRegExArray[] = ’~\[\[(.*?)\]\]~’; // [[snippets]]
    $etoRegExArray[] = ’~\[!(.*?)!\]~’; // [!noCacheSnippets!]
    $etoRegExArray[] = ’!\[\~(.*?)\~\]!is’; // [~links~]
    $etoRegExArray[] = ’~\[\((.*?)\)\]~’; // [(settings)]
    $etoRegExArray[] = ’~{{(.*?)}}~’; // {{chunks}}
    $etoRegExArray[] = ’~\[\*(.*?)\*\]~’; // [*attributes*]

    // Remove Etomite sensitive tags
    if ($stripEto){
    foreach ($etoRegExArray as $eReg){
    $searchString = preg_replace($eReg,’’,$searchString);

    // Remove snippet names
    if ($stripSnippets && $searchString != ’’){
    // get all the snippet names

    $tbl = $etomite->dbConfig[’dbase’] . "." . $etomite->dbConfig[’table_prefix’] . "site_snippets";
    $snippetSql = "SELECT $tbl.name FROM $tbl;";
    $snippetRs = $etomite->dbQuery($snippetSql);
    $snippetCount = $etomite->recordCount($snippetRs);
    $snippetNameArray = array();
    for ($s = 0; $s < $snippetCount; $s++){
    $thisSnippetRow = $etomite->fetchRow($snippetRs);
    $snippetNameArray[] = strtolower($thisSnippetRow[’name’]);
    // Split search into strings
    $searchWords = explode(’ ’,$searchString);
    $cleansedWords = ’’;
    foreach($searchWords as $word){
    if ($word != ’’ &&
    !in_array(strtolower($word),$snippetNameArray) &&
    ((!$useAllWords) ||
    ($searchStyle == ’partial’) ||
    (strlen($word) >= $minChars && $useAllWords && $searchStyle == ’relevance’))
    $cleansedWords .= $word.’ ’;
    // Remove last space
    $cleansedWords = substr($cleansedWords,0,(strlen($cleansedWords)-1));

    $searchString = $cleansedWords;

    // Initialize dropdown
    $dropdown = ’’;

    if ( isset($_POST[’filter’])){
    // Prefer post to get
    $dropdown = (isset($_POST[’filter’]))? $_POST[’filter’] : urldecode($_GET[’FSF_search’]) ;


    // Multilenguage search

    $searchString2 = str_replace($simbol2, $remplace2, $searchString);
    $searchTerm2 = str_replace($simbol2, $remplace2, $searchString);

    // End cleansing search string

    // check querystring
    $validSearch = ($searchString2 != ’’)? true : false ;

    //check for offset
    $offset = (isset($_GET[’FSF_offset’]))? $_GET[’FSF_offset’] : 0;

    $tbl5 = $etomite->dbConfig[’dbase’] . "." . $etomite->dbConfig[’table_prefix’] . "site_templates";
    $sql3 = "SELECT description,id FROM $tbl5 GROUP BY $tbl5.description ORDER BY $tbl5.description;";
    $drop3 = $etomite->dbQuery($sql3);
    $droplimit3 = $etomite->recordCount($drop3);
    while ($row3=mysql_fetch_array($drop3)) {
    if ($valor==""){
    $resultados.=" ";
    } else {
    $resultados.="<option value=’$idtemplate’>$valor</option>";

    // initialize output
    $searchForm = ’’;

    // establish form
    if (($validSearch && ($showSearchWithResults)) || $showSearchWithResults){

    $SearchForm .= ’<form id="searchform" class="FSF_form" action="’.$searchAction.’" method="get">’;
    $SearchForm .= ($xhtmlStrict)? ’<fieldset><legend>Search</legend>’ : ’’ ;
    // decide what goes in search box
    $searchBoxVal = ($searchString == ’’ && $boxText != ’’)? $boxText : $searchString ;
    $SearchForm .= ’<input class="FSF_input" type="text" name="search" value="’.$searchBoxVal.’" ’;
    $SearchForm .= ($boxText)? ’onfocus="this.value=(this.value==\’’.$boxText.’\’)? \’\’ : this.value ;" />’ : ’/>’;
    $dropdown = ($valor == ’’ && $boxText != ’’)? $boxText : $valor ;
    $SearchForm .=’<SELECT name="filter"><option value="all">All sites</option>’.$resultados.’</select>’;
    $SearchForm .= ’<input class="FSF_submit" type="submit" name="sub" value="’.$searchButtonText.’" />’;
    $SearchForm .= ($xhtmlStrict)? ’</fieldset>’ : ’’;
    $SearchForm .= ’</form>’.$newline;


    if ($showResults) {
    if($validSearch) {
    $filter3 .= isset($filter) ? $filter : $dropdown;
    $filter4 = "AND $tbl.description LIKE ’$filter3’";
    if ($filter3 == "all"){
    $filter4 = "";
    $search = explode(" ", $searchString2);
    $tbl = $etomite->dbConfig[’dbase’] . "." . $etomite->dbConfig[’table_prefix’] . "site_content";
    if ($searchStyle == ’partial’){
    $sql = "SELECT id, pagetitle, parent,introtext, description FROM $tbl WHERE ($tbl.content LIKE ’%".$search[0]."%’ $filter4";
    for ($x=1;$x < count($search); $x++) {
    $sql .= " AND $tbl.content like ’%$search[$x]%’";

    $sql .= " OR $tbl.pagetitle LIKE ’%".$search[0]."%’ ";
    for ($x=1;$x < count($search); $x++) {
    $sql .= " AND $tbl.pagetitle like ’%$search[$x]%’";
    $sql .= " OR $tbl.description LIKE ’%".$search[0]."%’ ";
    for ($x=1;$x < count($search); $x++) {

    $sql .= " AND $tbl.description like ’%$search[$x]%’";
    $sql .= ") AND $tbl.published = 1 AND $tbl.searchable=1 AND $tbl.deleted=0 ;"; }
    else {
    $sql = "SELECT id, pagetitle, parent, introtext, description FROM $tbl WHERE ($tbl.content LIKE ’%".$search[0]."%’ $filter4";
    for ($x=1;$x < count($search); $x++) {
    $sql .= " AND $tbl.content like ’%$search[$x]%’";

    $sql .= " OR $tbl.pagetitle LIKE ’%".$search[0]."%’ ";
    for ($x=1;$x < count($search); $x++) {
    $sql .= " AND $tbl.pagetitle like ’%$search[$x]%’";
    $sql .= " OR $tbl.description LIKE ’%".$search[0]."%’ ";
    for ($x=1;$x < count($search); $x++) {
    $sql .= " AND $tbl.description like ’%$search[$x]%’";
    $sql .= ") AND $tbl.published = 1 AND $tbl.searchable=1 AND $tbl.deleted=0 ;";

    $rs = $etomite->dbQuery($sql);
    $limit = $etomite->recordCount($rs);

    if($limit>0) {
    $SearchForm .= ’<div class="FSF_searchResults">’.$newline;

    // pagination
    if ($grabMax > 0){
    $numResultPages = ceil($limit/$grabMax);
    $resultPageLinks = ’<span class="FSF_pages">’;
    $resultPageLinks .= ($limit>$grabMax)? $paginationTextMultiplePages : $paginationTextSinglePage ;
    $resultPageLinkNumber = 1;
    for ($nrp=0;$nrp<$limit && $limit > $grabMax;$nrp+=$grabMax){
    if($offset == ($resultPageLinkNumber-1)*$grabMax){
    $resultPageLinks .= $resultPageLinkNumber;
    } else {
    $resultPageLinks .= ’<a href="[~’ . $etomite->documentObject[’id’] . ’~]&FSF_offset=’ . $nrp . ’&FSF_search=’ . urlencode($searchString) . ’">’ . $resultPageLinkNumber . ’</a>’;
    $resultPageLinks .= ($nrp+$grabMax < $limit)? $pageLinkSeparator : ’’ ;
    $resultPageLinks .= "</span>".$newline;
    $SearchForm .= ’<p class="FSF_pagination">’;
    $resultsFoundText = ($limit > 1)? $resultsFoundTextMultiple : $resultsFoundTextSingle ;
    $SearchForm .= sprintf($resultsFoundText,$limit,$searchString);
    $SearchForm .= ’
    } // end if grabMax

    // search results
    $useLimit = ($grabMax > 0)? $offset+$grabMax : $limit;
    for ($y = $offset; ($y < $useLimit) && ($y<$limit); $y++) {
    $moveToRow = mysql_data_seek($rs,$y);
    $SearchForm.=’<div class="FSF_result">’.$newline;
    $SearchForm.=’<a class="FSF_resultLink" href="[~’.$SearchFormsrc[’id’].’~]" title="’ . $SearchFormsrc[’pagetitle’] . ’">’ . $SearchFormsrc[’pagetitle’] . "</a>".$newline;
    $SearchForm.=$SearchFormsrc[’introtext’]!=’’ ? ’<span class="FSF_resultDescription">’ . $SearchFormsrc[’introtext’] . "</span>".$newline : "" ;
    $SearchForm.=’</div><!--end FlexSearchResult-->’.$newline;
    $SearchForm.=’<p class="FSF_pagination">’.$resultPageLinks.’</p>’;
    $SearchForm.=’</div><!--end FlexSearchResults-->’.$newline;
    } else {
    $SearchForm.=’<p class="FSF_resultsIntroFailure">’.$resultsIntroFailure.’</p>’;
    } // end if records found

    } else if (!$validSearch && isset($_POST[’sub’])) {

    // message to show if search was performed but for something invalid
    $SearchForm .= ’<p class="FSF_resultsIntroFailure">’.$resultsIntroFailure.’</p>’;

    } else { // end if validSearch

    $SearchForm .= ’<p class="FSF_intro">’.$introMessage.’</p>’;

    } // end if not validSearch
    } // end if showResults

    return $SearchForm;
      Jabiertxof (formerly XYZVISUAL)
      My bussines: http://marker.es
      • 7455
      • 2,204 Posts
      Nice work thanks alot wil try this one soon
        follow me on twitter: @dimmy01
        • 32982
        • 674 Posts
        thanks see too the other post about categoryce documents whith search integrated,
        now before you post update the sniper to show the combobox orderer.
        thanks for your coments.
          Jabiertxof (formerly XYZVISUAL)
          My bussines: http://marker.es
        • Nice work. If you were going to choose a "semi-generic" default search form, which would it be? We’re getting close to releasing 3.3, and a better search method would be great.
            Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
            Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
            • 32982
            • 674 Posts
            it could be improbed
            because in the template table are a row not used call category
            and can use whith the search metod to grup diferents templates to one value
              Jabiertxof (formerly XYZVISUAL)
              My bussines: http://marker.es
              • 32982
              • 674 Posts
              realy i think is important a way to categorice documents for a multisites or for a diferent kind of content who can used by modx snippets plugins... to give them another way. if you use a solution for categorice in the tree document viewer coud be good whith the click of options show the category too (like the post of menu index)
                Jabiertxof (formerly XYZVISUAL)
                My bussines: http://marker.es
                • 32241
                • 1,495 Posts
                I tried this script, but I have no clue on how to install this.

                I’m still confuse with the concept of TV. If somebody could guide me step by step with this snippets.

                Here is what I’m trying to do. I had categorized a sub sites using directory. I want a search capability that hides the page that is not beneath the category id that I set in the search snippets calling. Will that be possible with this improved version of FlexSearch? I don’t want a dropdownlist listing a category; instead I just want a plain search textbox and button. Will that be doable?

                Thank you

                Wendy Novianto
                  Wendy Novianto
                  [font=Verdana]PT DJAMOER Technology Media
                  [font=Verdana]Xituz Media
                  • 7455
                  • 2,204 Posts
                  I have a multi langual site and would like to seach only in the language i am in (languages are all in diff. folders)

                  is that also posible I think its the same thing Wendy was asking for, but I am not sure if it works the same way.

                    follow me on twitter: @dimmy01
                  • I see what you mean, if you search for "item" in one sub-site (or language) you don’t want the results to produce links to another sub-site (or language). I think that this is doable; it would require adding a filter to accept an argument which would be the parent of the sub-site (or language section) the search form being used is in. This is where that $modx->genes() business would come in very handy!
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                    • Or perhaps you could just create a template for each language and use that as your "filter". Kinda hackish, but it would work. I like the parent folder idea best.
                        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
                        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me