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    put a horizontal menu of the childrens of a document whith left image about link
    usage create a new folder call thumbs in root of modx
    upload a blank gif for items whithout thumbs and the rest of the gif thumbs files
    in the page you want thumbs put the name of the gif file whithout extension
    in the description field
    if(!isset($pid) || $pid == ’’) {
    $pid = $etomite->documentIdentifier; //current document

    // list order by specified field
    if(!isset($order) || $order == ’’) $order=’menuindex’;

    // get childrens, and show some info when no childrens founds
    $children = $etomite->getActiveChildren($pid, $order);

    // close list in div (optional, you can change it, whatever)

    $childrenCount = count($children);

    // lists all childrens as links
    for($x=0; $x<$childrenCount; $x++) {
    $menu .= "<a href=’[~".$children[$x][’id’]."~]’$active><img src=’thumbs/".$children[$x][’description’].".gif’align=’middle’>".$children[$x][’pagetitle’]."</a>";

    return $menu;
    vased in etomite show childs snippet
      Jabiertxof (formerly XYZVISUAL)
      My bussines: http://marker.es