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    • 18397
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    Posted in the bugtracker

    The current NewsFeed Snippet does not produce a valid RSS feed according to feedvalidator.org. The major issues (not including the minor ones) are that the default date format is incorrect, the author tag must contain an email address, and URL’s cannot be in the description.

    Raymond, Ryan asked me to post a URL link for the validation page of your test sites RSS feed:


    I have attached a copy of a working version that is RSS valid but it does not include the author tag.

    Raymond, all we need to do to include the author tag is pull the admin email address and name and convert the email address to a valid form.

    Examples of valid email addresses from feedvalidator.org:

    * [email protected]
    * [email protected] (Joe Smith)
    * Joe Smith <[email protected]>
    * [email protected]

    Hope this helps!
      • 18397
      • 3,250 Posts
      The feedvalidator.org output for Raymond:


      This feed does not validate.


      line 2, column 0: rss is in an invalid namespace: http://backend.userland.com/rss2 [help]

      <rss version="2.0" xmlns="http://backend.userland.com/rss2">


      line 13, column 128: description should not contain relative URL references (2 occurrences) [help]

      ... ml’&gt;More on this story &gt;</description>


      line 14, column 30: pubDate must be an RFC-822 date-time (2 occurrences) [help]

      <pubDate>13-Sep-05 16:00:03</pubDate>


      line 16, column 20: author must include an email address (2 occurrences) [help]


      Source: http://pixelhick.com/feed.xml.html
         1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
         2. <rss version="2.0" xmlns="http://backend.userland.com/rss2">
         3. <channel>
         4. <title>RSS Feeds</title>
         5. <link>http://pixelhick.com/feed.xml.html</link>
         6. <description></description>
         7. <language>en</language>
         8. <copyright></copyright>
         9. <ttl>1440</ttl>
        10. <item>
        11. <title>Thoughts on Something</title>
        12. <link>http://pixelhick.com/13.html</link>
        13. <description>...<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='13.html'>More on this story ></a></description>
        14. <pubDate>13-Sep-05 16:00:03</pubDate>
        15. <guid>http://pixelhick.com/13.html</guid>
        16. <author>siteadmin</author>
        17. </item>
        18. <item>
        19. <title>Mini-Blog HOWTO</title>
        20. <link>http://pixelhick.com/article-1126081344.html</link>
        21. <description>...<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='article-1126081344.html'>More on this story ></a></description>
        22. <pubDate>07-Sep-05 03:22:24</pubDate>
        23. <guid>http://pixelhick.com/article-1126081344.html</guid>
        24. <author>siteadmin</author>
        25. </item>
        26. </channel>
        27. </rss>
        • 18397
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          • 18397
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          Has anyone tried the code provided?
            • 32963
            • 1,732 Posts
            Hi Mark,

            Many thanks for the updates. Here’s the updated NewsFeed snippet
              The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom:
              MODx Co-Founder - Create and do more with less.
            • Raymond... Can you repost the snippet. Getting a bad server response???
                Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
                Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
              • That code still doesn’t validate Raymond. Hmm... Using Mark’s as posted above does however.

                See the results here: http://pixelhick.com/feed.xml (Mark’s code that does validate)

                Called via: [[NewsFeed? &makerss=`1` &newsfolder=`2`]]
                  Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
                  Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
                  • 18397
                  • 3,250 Posts
                  I have fixed a MAJOR bug in my code and have gotten the author tag to work. The snippet is now 100% RSS valid and can be found in a new thread.

                  URL: http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,1049.msg6606.html#msg6606