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    • 2488
    • 3 Posts
    I’m having problems with veriword.php - which in turn causes problems with any page that uses "captcha" images.

    My first step would be login to the manager and disable captcha. However, I can’t even login to the manager (http://avinator.com/manager). I attempted to change USE_CAPTCHA = 0 (from 1) in the modx_system_settings table, but that didn’t disable captcha.

    1. how would I disable captcha if I can’t login to the manager screen?

    Additionally, veriword.php fails to generate anything... It was working before, and I haven’t changed anything in the code, so I’m not sure what exactly made it stop working. The url is http://avinator.com/manager/includes/veriword.php?rand=1428236831

    I have a feeling it has something to do with the gd image generation... but I’m not sure where to look, or how to fix it. Any help would be much appreciated.

    ps - ModX rocks. I love it much more than Joomla. I just wish I could disable captcha until I find out what the problem is.
      • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
      • 24,524 Posts
      Changing it in the database will disable the feature. There must be some kind of caching issue involved here, most likely in your browser, possibly a misconfigured caching proxy somewhere between you and your site.
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        • 2488
        • 3 Posts
        should i set USE_CAPTCHA = 0?

        or another value?
          • 22303 MODX Staff
          • 10,725 Posts
          That’s the correct value, but you’ll need to fix it in your database table, as well as the assets/cache/siteCache.idx.php file where it likely currently appears as
          $c['use_captcha'] = "1";

          Change that to 0 as well and you should be able to get in.
            • 2488
            • 3 Posts

            yup, that did the trick.

            i gotta find out what’s wrong with the captcha image generation on the server. it’s not working at all...
              • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
              • 24,524 Posts
              Check your phpinfo output (Reports -> System info, the view link for phpinfo), and see if GD is even enabled in your PHP.
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