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    I have a weird problem with that I’ve not seen before, and couldn’t come across anything similar on the forums.

    My MODx site used to be on FreeBSD (Apache 2.2.6, PHP 5.2.3, MySQL 5.0.45)
    I’ve since moved it onto a Debian Etch server with Apache 2.2.8, PHP 5.2.5, MySQL 5.0.51. When I moved it, I backed up and restored the MySQL database onto the new server, and copied all files across, then cleared the cache.

    The whole site works, except the document tree is sorted by document ID, and the sorting button (sort the tree -> folder/document title/etc) doesn’t take effect - it refreshes but stays in the same order.

    This was fine on the FreeBSD server - it sorted by menu index. The DocManager module still shows the documents in the correct order.

    Nothing in the configuration / files have changed - just moved servers.

    Any ideas?
      Andy Shellam | www.networkmail.eu | @Pandy06269 @NetworkMail

      modx Revolution 2.2.6
      Windows 2012 | IIS 8 | php 5.4.11 | MySQL 5.5.29

      Content-Managed Websites Built on MODX
      • 22629
      • 194 Posts
      After some more debugging, I see the following:

      - add "echo $sql;" to line 106 of manager/frame/nodes.php and I see the following SQL query:

      SELECT DISTINCT sc.id, pagetitle, parent, isfolder, published, deleted, type, menuindex, hidemenu, alias, contentType, privateweb, privatemgr, IF(1=0 OR sc.privatemgr=0, 1, 0) AS has_access FROM `aseu_live`.`modx_site_content` AS sc LEFT JOIN `aseu_live`.`modx_document_groups` dg on dg.document = sc.id WHERE (parent=0) GROUP BY sc.id ORDER BY pagetitle ASC

      so the correct SQL query is being passed by MODx.

      It turns out this is a MySQL bug in 5.0.51, fixed in 5.0.52.

      ORDER BY not working with GROUP BY.

      The fix until 5.0.52 is available is as noted in the above bug report (this is not ideal, and only temporary):

      Rewrite the SQL query (lines ~99-105) to:

      $sql = "SELECT * FROM
      SELECT DISTINCT sc.id, pagetitle, parent, isfolder, published, deleted, type, menuindex, hidemenu, alias, contentType, privateweb, privatemgr,
      IF(1={$mgrRole} OR sc.privatemgr=0" . (!$docgrp ? "":" OR dg.document_group IN ({$docgrp})") . ", 1, 0) AS has_access
      FROM {$tblsc} AS sc
      LEFT JOIN {$tbldg} dg on dg.document = sc.id
      WHERE (parent={$parent})
      GROUP BY sc.id
      ) subquery
      ORDER BY {$orderby};";

      This works for me.
        Andy Shellam | www.networkmail.eu | @Pandy06269 @NetworkMail

        modx Revolution 2.2.6
        Windows 2012 | IIS 8 | php 5.4.11 | MySQL 5.5.29

        Content-Managed Websites Built on MODX
        • 17883
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        Fix for Wayfinder, assets/wayfinder/wayfinder.inc.php:

        Line 344:

        $sort = 'sc.'.implode(',sc.',preg_replace("/^\s/i","",explode(',',$this->_config['sortBy'])));

        change to

        $sort = implode(',sc.',preg_replace("/^\s/i","",explode(',',$this->_config['sortBy'])));

        Line 351 sql-Query

        $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$fields} FROM {$tblsc} sc LEFT JOIN {$tbldg} dg ON dg.document = sc.id WHERE sc.published=1 AND sc.deleted=0 AND ({$access}){$menuWhere} AND sc.id IN (".implode(',',$ids).") GROUP BY sc.id ORDER BY {$sort} {$this->_config['sortOrder']} {$sqlLimit};";

        change to:

        $sql = "SELECT * FROM
        			SELECT DISTINCT {$fields} FROM {$tblsc} sc LEFT JOIN {$tbldg} dg ON dg.document = sc.id WHERE sc.published=1 AND sc.deleted=0 AND ({$access}){$menuWhere} AND sc.id IN (".implode(',',$ids).") GROUP BY sc.id
        			) subquery ORDER BY {$sort} {$this->_config['sortOrder']} {$sqlLimit};";

        thx andyccn!
          • 16239
          • 49 Posts
          My friends, the solution for document tree in manager works perfectly, thanks!
          But the solution for Wayfinder do not work, website becomes invisible..
          Maybe someone konws why?
            • 7231
            • 4,205 Posts
            I haven’t looked at the code, but usually when the site goes blank it is due to a missing closing " or ) or ; in the code.

            EDIT: OK I tool a peek, it is most likely the last bit on the sql statement the reads: {$sqlLimit};"; Notice that there is a open " and an extra ;

            I don’t know if those are out of context and should be there but they do not seem to be part of the actual code. Maybe try removing the final ";
              [font=Verdana]Shane Sponagle | [wiki] Snippet Call Anatomy | MODx Developer Blog | [nettuts] Working With a Content Management Framework: MODx

              Something is happening here, but you don't know what it is.
              Do you, Mr. Jones? - [bob dylan]
              • 36451
              • 264 Posts
              Thank you, Marc. Works like a charm on an 1und1 server with 5.0.51
                • 22629
                • 194 Posts
                Quote from: yoomai at Jun 07, 2008, 09:56 AM

                Thank you, Marc. Works like a charm on an 1und1 server with 5.0.51

                Argh! Don’t get me started on what a bunch of clowns 1&1 are (at least their UK outfit anyway!)
                  Andy Shellam | www.networkmail.eu | @Pandy06269 @NetworkMail

                  modx Revolution 2.2.6
                  Windows 2012 | IIS 8 | php 5.4.11 | MySQL 5.5.29

                  Content-Managed Websites Built on MODX
                  • 36451
                  • 264 Posts
                  Quote from: Pandy06269 at Jun 07, 2008, 10:44 AM

                  Argh! Don’t get me started on what a bunch of clowns 1&1 are (at least their UK outfit anyway!)
                  grin Same here in Germany. That’s globalization.
                    • 8883
                    • 59 Posts
                    I got the sorting problem in manager only, but your suggestion didn’t worked for me.
                    Any other ideas?
                    ModX rev 4565
                    My MYSQL-Version: 5.0.32
                    • Quote from: Mike at Mar 17, 2009, 08:25 AM

                      I got the sorting problem in manager only, but your suggestion didn’t worked for me.
                      Any other ideas?
                      ModX rev 4565
                      My MYSQL-Version: 5.0.32
                      This is related to an issue with a specific version of MySQL, 5.0.51 -- if you are not using that version of MySQL then your sorting problem lies elsewhere and you’ll need to provide more information.