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    • 19889
    • 616 Posts

    I was wondering whether anybody know what’s causing this and how to fix the problem:

    Setup will now attempt to setup the database:

    Creating connection to the database: OK!

    Selecting database `sit_modx_ajaeger`: OK!

    Creating database tables: Database Alerts!

    MODx setup couldn’t install/alter some tables inside the selected database.

    The following errors had occurred during installation

    Column ’content’ cannot be part of FULLTEXT index during the execution of SQL statement ALTER TABLE `modx_site_content` MODIFY COLUMN `pagetitle` varchar(255) NOT NULL default ’’, MODIFY COLUMN `alias` varchar(255) default ’’, MODIFY COLUMN `menutitle` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ’’ COMMENT ’Menu title’.

    Thank you in advance for your help

      • 26584
      • 4 Posts
      yep, same here. But I don’t get an error message...
      Setup will now attempt to setup the database:

      Creating connection to the database: OK!

      Selecting database `DB361285`: OK!

      Check Tabellen Prefix `modx_`: OK![/tt]

      And here it just stops... Whether I make a new install or update.

      Any pointers would be very appreciated.
        • 22303 MODX Staff
        • 10,725 Posts
        You’ll need to at least supply information on MySQL version, and other additional information on your environment might also be helpful.
          • 25317
          • 122 Posts
          Was there ever a solution to this issue?
            • 22303 MODX Staff
            • 10,725 Posts
            Quote from: Robsta at Dec 14, 2008, 09:13 PM

            Was there ever a solution to this issue?
            There was never a specific problem identified by either person who posted in this thread; neither replied with additional information...