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    I have just upgraded a beta site using examdiff pro (so I see my mods) and noticed that the following appeared to escape:

    FS#1032 save.content.processor.php - tvs not upadting if they are created after page
    FS#1056 top.mainMenu.updateMail is not a function (the function above that is troublesome too if you do quickreloads)

    I am just about to try this cms under Resin/Quercus (so that I get CFML too) apparently this java based php interpreter is very fast and the (expensive) pro version even compiles the PHP to java.

    • Would love to add Resin/Quercus to the list of supported servers. If you get it working please let us know if you also get friendly URL rewriting working and post a thread about that. We’re collecting those for our new support site for supported web servers ... so far we’ve got Apache, IIS, Lighttpd and Zeus all with FURL options linked.
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
      • Hi tazzydemon,

        Thanks for the report on the missing FS bugfixes. I’ve committed the fix in FS#1056 into SVN ready for the release.

        I’m currently looking at FS#1032 and wondered if you were experiencing problems with the TV saving? I’ve committed one fix to SVN already to do with the TVs (to do with MySQL strict mode) but wondered if you had specific problems that were fixed by the update provided in FS#1032?

        I’m trying to work out why the current code for saving TVs doesn’t work (I can’t see anything immediately wrong with the REPLACE INTO statement) so if you have any insight on that it’d be great.

          Garry Nutting
          Senior Developer
          MODX, LLC

          Email: [email protected]
          Twitter: @garryn
          Web: modx.com
        • Just to follow up on this, changes have been recently committed that cover FS#1032 as well.
            Garry Nutting
            Senior Developer
            MODX, LLC

            Email: [email protected]
            Twitter: @garryn
            Web: modx.com