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    • 20232
    • 4 Posts
    A new feature of TinyMCE seems to be that it forces everything that you haven’t given a format to into paragraphs.
    I find this is a problem for images and snippet calls which I don’t want to be wrapped in p tags.

    Has anyone else experienced this problem? And is there a way to turn it off?

    I found a solution to stop snippet calls being wrapped in paragraphs was to wrap in a div - but I’d rather not have to do that.

    Images - I don’t want wrapped in any extra tags at all.
    • This is a new feature? I’ve always had it do this.

      I tried this:

      force_p_newlines : false

      In the Custom Parameters area, but then it produced even more peculiar code.
        • 22770
        • 285 Posts
        I guess it would be good to have the option to turn it off, but for myself, I’m really happy to have this. My users are constantly entering single paragraphs that then don’t get wrapped in anything and so don’t have appropriate styling.