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    • 18862
    • 70 Posts
    I just upgraded to 9.6.2 and all went well.

    Only thing I notice is the message "Failed to retrieve http://feeds.feedburner.com/modx-announce" and "Failed to retrieve http://feeds.feedburner.com/modxsecurity" showing up under the "ModX News" and "Security Notices" tabs in the manager.

    It’s also taking a VERY long time to load the initial page for the manager. I’m guessing maybe it’s because it tries to retrieve the RSS feeds and takes a while for it to give up.

    Any ideas what might be missing for my modX install to be able to retrieve RSS feeds?

    My host is running php4.4.7 instead of 5.x.x unfortunately. Don’t know if that might factor in...
    • Sounds like a PHP configuration issue. Some hosts won’t allow fopen() on remote URLs (it won’t let you go outside your own server for files); you may or may not have the "curl" libraries available, or some other reason why you can’t access anything outside your own site.

      You can remove these tabs by commenting out the sections in /manager/actions/welcome.static.php between lines 69 and 83; they are well-commented:
      /* Start comment
      include_once "rss.inc.php"; // pixelchutes
      // modx news - pixelchutes
      $html = 'MODx News<br /><br />';
      $modx->setPlaceholder('modx_news','MODx News');
      $modx->setPlaceholder('modx_news_title','MODx News');
      // security notices - pixelchutes
      $html = 'MODx Security Notices<br /><br />';
      $modx->setPlaceholder('modx_security_notices','Security Notices');
      $modx->setPlaceholder('modx_security_notices_title','MODx Security Notices');
       End comment */

      Then remove the (now empty) tabs in manager/media/style/MODxLight/welcome.html simply by removing the HTML close comment tags for the two tabs on lines 78 and 87:
      		<!-- modx news 
      		<div class="tab-page" id="tabNews" style="padding-left:0px; padding-right:0px">
      			<h2 class="tab">[+modx_news+]</h2>
      			<script type="text/javascript">tpPane.addTabPage( document.getElementById( "tabNews" ) );</script>
      			<div class="sectionHeader">[+modx_news_title+]</div><div class="sectionBody">
      		<!-- security notices 
      		<div class="tab-page" id="tabSecurityNotices" style="padding-left:0px; padding-right:0px">
      			<h2 class="tab">[+modx_security_notices+]</h2>
      			<script type="text/javascript">tpPane.addTabPage( document.getElementById( "tabSecurityNotices" ) );</script>
      			<div class="sectionHeader">[+modx_security_notices_title+]</div><div class="sectionBody">
      		<!-- recent activities -->

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        • 18862
        • 70 Posts
        Once again you’ve come to my rescue! smiley

        What would modX be without sottwell?!?

        Worked perfectly and it is now loading super fast.

        Thanks again! grin