Hello MODX’ers,
I have a strange problem in a MODX site.
The site is created on domain "aaa.com" and works fine.
The customers asked me to copy the complete site to
"bbb.com" and he would change the content himself.
This is what I did to copy the site:
- Copy over all file from aaa.com to bbb.com
- Change /manager/includes/config.inc.php to reflect the
new database login codes.
- Export the database of aaa.com
- Change in the database script the two references in
system-settings: rb_base_dir and filemanager_path
from aaa.com document_root to bbb.com document_root.
- Import the changed database script into the database
of bbb.com.
Of course I also changed things like names of the template
to reflect bbb.com, but this has nothing to do with the problem.
The problem is that certain functions are missing from the
manager interface:
- tool->configuration
The complete tab "File Manager" is missing !!
- tool->configuration
At the bottom of tab "Site" the section about TinyMCE
is missing.
- I cannot change the editor for a user to TinyMCE.
(This is probably the same as the second problem-item)
I checked all files in both sites and compared them.
Apart from the obvious files (config.inc.php) no other files
show any differences.
I reloaded the database from aaa.com again and got the same
Basically the question comes down to:
- What in MDOX decides to show the "File Manager" and the
"TinyMCE" in the Manager section.
- What do these two functionality items need which must be missing
in my site.
Thanks for your help.
Bert Catsburg
PS: Please do not respons with "Upgrade first and then we talk"