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    • 2 Posts
    please.. I’m trying to install modx.. but:

    Pre-install validation
    Setup has carried out a number of checks to see if everything's ready to start the setup.
    Checking PHP version: OK!
    Checking if Register_Globals is off: OK!
    Checking if sessions are properly configured: OK!
    Checking if assets/cache directory exists: OK!
    Checking if assets/cache directory is writable: FAILED!
    Checking if assets/cache/siteCache.idx.php file is writable: FAILED!
    Checking if assets/cache/sitePublishing.idx.php file is writable: FAILED!
    Checking if assets/images directory exists: OK!
    Checking if assets/images directory is writable: FAILED!
    Checking if assets/export directory exists: OK!
    Checking if assets/export directory is writable: FAILED!
    Checking if manager/includes/config.inc.php exists and is writable: FAILED!
    For new Linux/Unix installs, please create a blank file named config.inc.php in the manager/includes/ directory with file permissions set to 0666.
    Creating connection to the database: OK!
    Checking table prefix `modx_`: OK!
    Checking MySQL version: OK!   Your MySQL version is: 5.0.75-0ubuntu10
    Checking MySQL for strict sql_mode: OK!
    Unfortunately, Setup cannot continue at the moment, due to the above 6 errors. Please correct the errors, and try again. If you need help figuring out how to fix the problems, visit the Operation MODx Forums. 

    Somebody can help me?

      Serving and following the Master,
      Jonatas Jacob

      [email protected]
    • You need to go to your server and make those folders writable. If it’s a Linux system, that means file permissions of 777 for those folders.
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