I always create step-by-step instructions for installs as I frequently reinstall stuff and I can’t remember what I did before. I use
fatcow.com and have been happy with them. There are apparently some steps unique to their site to get MODx installed. Please point any places where I screwed up or could have done better.
* Sign into fatcow.com
* Go to the Control Panel
* Click on "CGI and Scripted Language Support"
* Click on "PHP Scripting"
* Set the default PHP version to "PHP 5"
* Edit the php.ini file
* On the fatcow page, find the path to your Web document root
* Add to the php.ini file a line
session.save_path = "xxxx/cgi-bin/tmp" where "xxxx" is the path to your Web document root
* Save the php.ini file
* Download the latest version of MODx to your PC
* Using filezilla or some other ftp program, ftp the zip file to your home directory
* Go to the fatcow control panel
* Click on "Archive Gateway"
* Select the modx zip file and click "Extract/Uncompress"
* Go back to Filezilla
* Drag the files and directory created in the "modx-x.x.x.x" directory to your root directory
* Set the permissions as covered in the MODx install page
* Go to the fatcow control panel
* Click on "Manage MySQL"
* Add a new database. Example values in the "Add New Database" box are "mydb" for Database Name, "mememe" for "Database Login", "mypass" for Password
* Go to
* Click "Next" to select English as the language
* Click "Begin"
* Check the "I agree to the terms set out in this license" box and click "Next"
* Check "New Installation" and click "Next"
* Go back to the fatcow control panel and click on "Manage MySQL"
* You will see on the page "Database is on xxxxxx.fatcowmysql.com "
* For the database host, put the "xxxxxx.fatcowmysql.com" from above
* For the database login name, put your equivalent of "mememe"
* For the database password, put your equivalent of "mypass"
* Click on the "Click here to test your server connection and get the available collations" link’
* You should get a message saying "passed"
* For the database name, put your equivalent of "mydb"
* You can use as the Connection Method "SET NAMES" or use "SET CHARACTER SET" and select "latin1_swedish_ci"
* Click on the "Click here to create your database or to test the selection of your database"
* You should get a message saying "passed"
* For Administrator username, enter your user name. Then enter your email, your password and your password again
* Click "Next"
* I checked the Sample Web Site box, left all the other boxes checked and clicked "Install"
* The Pre-install validation screen should come up with all OK’s. Click "Install"
* The Install results web page should come up all green. Click "Close"
* You will be taken to the manager web page. Enter your user name and password, then click "Login"
* You now have a MODx website