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    • 7547
    • 7 Posts
    I have been using TikiWiki on Fatcow.com. I have had problems upgrading TikiWiki on a shared host, so I decided to try something new. MODx has looked pretty good, but I can’t get the install script started. I uploaded the zip file, unzipped it, set the permissions as stated in the docs and ran the install. The browser proceeds to go into a loop with 3 messages repeated in a cycle in the status bar of Firefox. The first two messages are "Waiting for mywebsite.com" and "Connected to mywebsite.com". I can’t make out the third, but I think it is "Stopped" and then something about mywebsite.com.

    I have slowly walked through the install/index.php file and the issue is the following line:
    echo "<html><head><title>" . $_lang[’loading’] . "</title><script>window.location.href=’" . $installBaseUrl . $_SERVER[’PHP_SELF’] . "?action=language’;</script></head><body></body></html>";

    I do get the "install/index.php?action=language" in the URL, but it just hangs from there.
    • You have problems with your PHP sessions not working properly - does anything in this thread help: http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,20187.0.html
        Garry Nutting
        Senior Developer
        MODX, LLC

        Email: [email protected]
        Twitter: @garryn
        Web: modx.com
      • Sounds like your host does not have PHP sessions configured properly as after the first request, that loop should be exited assuming it can get the proper session value from the first request.
          • 7547
          • 7 Posts
          Thanks for the replies! I could search Fatcow’s knowledge base once I knew the problem was the PHP session set up. I needed to add a session_save_path call before the session_start call.

          Any ideas on the impact of that fix? I know I will have to put it into more PHP files. Any advice on which ones?
            • 10449
            • 956 Posts
            You should be able to set that globally in one of those files/places:

            a) php.ini (session.save_path = "/var/lib/php/session")
            b) .htaccess (php_value session.save_path ../php/sessions)
            c) at the top of the index.php and manager/index.php file with ini_set()

            Depends on your server setup. Some allow changing the php.ini file, some won’t.
            • This can be done in the manager/includes/config.inc.php file -- inside the startCMSSession() function...and that should take of it everywhere for MODx.
                • 7547
                • 7 Posts
                Again, thanks for the replies. The site ran fine yesterday after I got it installed, but it puked up a bunch of error messages today. I stuck the session.save_path call in the php.ini file and the site works fine now. Now, to figure out to make my site look like I want it to!